How do I help a sore throat with out doctors?!

Question: How do I help a sore throat with out doctors!?
I'm not going to the doctors because last time he said the next sore throat and the tonsils have to come out!. I don't want them out, so I haven't told my mom about my sore throat!. I've had about a week now!. Its the third sore throat in a month!. Anything to sooth it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have had chronic sinitis (constant sinus infections) for many years!. These often will cause post-nasal drip which then causes sore throats!. A few of the best sore throat remedies I use are:

1!. Run the faucet on hot for a minute until the water is nice and warm!. Fill up a small mug or glass about 3/4 full!. Add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda to the water and stir it well!. The water will have a bit of a white coloring to it!. Then take a small bit in your mouth and gargle in the back of your throat without swallowing for about 10 seconds and spit it out!. Do this both morning and night for a day or so and you should feel MUCH better!.

2!. If you are stuffed up and having sinus trouble - create the same mixture as above, but get a bulb (a baby snot sucker is what I usually call them, it has a big round end and a little cone shaped part that will suck up and shoot out water when you squeeze it)!. Suck up a bunch of the water into the bulb, tilt your head to the side, plug the bottom nostril of your nose with one hand and then while sucking in through your nose, squeeze the warm mater mixture in!. It is pretty gross and you will then need to spit a bunch of watery/booger stuff out your mouth as it flushes out your sinuses, but MAN does it feel GOOD when you are done!. Do both nostrils twice and make sure you have some tissue to blow out the rest of the water/junk in between and after each flushing!. Some doctors call this irrigating your sinuses!.

3!. Again get some nice warm water in a cup, then add about 2 tablespoons of honey and a nice big squirt of lemon juice (either from a bottle or those cool little lemon shaped containers)!. Mix it up and drink it!. It should soothe your throat a ton!.

4!. Menthol rub - go get some vicks vapo rub or some kind of menthol rub!. Put some on the tips of your fingers and rub it into your chest and all up and down your throat!. It is stinky, but can really take the pain and soreness out quickly!. (you can even try some bengay or muscle relaxing rubs like that, but be VERY careful not to get it in your eyes or touch any sensative parts of your body without giving your hands a very thorough washing!.

5!. Throat lozenges - there are lots of zinc lozenges that work well, I prefer the ludens candy drops or the sunkist fruit vitamin C lozenges!. They are by the halls and other cough drops in the farmacy!. For some reason the coughdrops just make me feel all sick and gross if I use more than one!. The others are nice, sweet and sooth just as well for me without making me feel all sick!.

I hope these tips work for you!. They have done wonders for me the past 5 years!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would say let the tonsils come out!.
But if you really don't want to do that: mentholated cough drops are good, as are throat sprays(which numb the throat)!. Drink water instead of soda, and butterscotch hard candy supposedly helps too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

OJ + cranberry juice is good!.

Swallow lots of semen!.!.!.my wife never gets a sore throat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try some over the counter lozengesWww@Answer-Health@Com

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