Which is worse out of these cigarettes?!

Question: Which is worse out of these cigarettes!?
I know all cigarettes are bad for you!.
But range these ones from the least harmful to the worst!.
Not in your personal opinion, but what you know for a fact!.

Newport Lights
Marlboro Smooths
Camel Crush

Don't tell me smoking causes cancer!.
I know this!. Everyone who smokes knows this!.
I don't need a lecture!.
This is for my health class!.
My assignment is to pick
4 types of cigarettes
and write about them!.
So please and thank you(:

I am not trying to lecture you in any way shape or form and I understand this is for a health class, but out of the choices you gave it doesn't look good!.
Camel crush COULD be the better of 4 evils or the absolute worst depending upon when your "crush" the little menthol burst!.
if you don't crush it then your not getting the harmful crystals and if you crush it with only a little bit left you get All those harmful buggers!.

The four you chose are all menthol which in MY opinion are the worst for you!.
The old VA hospitals would ask the cancer patients what they smoked nad if they said Kools or something like that, they would be sent away because of the devastating effects menthol cigarettes had on there lungs, there was nothing they could do!. So anyway I hope i helped you out a little bit, good luck with your project!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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