Weird Smells???? Please read this!?!

Question: Weird Smells!?!?!?!? Please read this!!?
I am 13 and I have been smelling this weird smell since 3:30!
It is a bacon/pancake syrup smell!.!.!.!. I know this sounds REALLY stupid! But have you ever smelled a smell almost all day but you have know clue were it is coming from!?

I smelt it at the mall!.!.!. now at home! :-( Weird!

P!.S: Please don't say anything mean! This is my problem/question and I really need respect please! Thank you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

OMG! I'm turning 13 in 4 months and I haven't smelt a bacon/pancake syrup smell before, but for a whole day I've smelt a BBQ/sausage sizzle/tomato sauce smell! =D

It's so strange and I can't believe someone else is actually going through it!!! I've smelt this somewhere else, but I'm not sure where!. The park, maybe!?!?

I think it might be a familiar smell that you think of and then your minds just plays tricks on you and you really think you can smell it!.

Or, of course you could've spilt bacon/pancake syrup on you or when you were at the mall, your clothing/hair absorbed the smell, etc!.

I really think it's MY mind playing tricks on me though, because I know for a fact I didn't smell BBQ/sausage sizzle/tomato sauce too recently and my clothing & hair are washed! LOL!.

Wow, I just can't get over someone else having such a similar experience!

Anyway, hope I've helped a little!. WAIT, before I go, guys PLEASE stop saying she's pregnant!!! She's NOT pregnant and either am I!!!

? -AngelWww@Answer-Health@Com

you probably ate something with syrup and the smell usually sticks on you!. once you change and shower it prolly wont smell anymore!. Or youre a 13 year old pregnant girl!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Could be a couple of things!.!.!.
Something simple, like you spilled something on your clothes or in your hair
Sinus infection

Maybe its you're clothes

but im being respectful for this next comment
it can happen
check your vagina it may be releasing an odor
vagina odor is normalWww@Answer-Health@Com

maybe you're just craving bacon and pancakes =) i do that sometimes when im craving something!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your probably pregnant or you are craving something!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Omg im 13 too! and about that smell it might have to do with your clothes or hair good luck rofl p!.s!. why would u tell how old u r !.!.!. kind of stupid!.!.!.!.no offense Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe u are pregnant or hungry or maybe u got syrup under ur nose and don't know!.!.!.lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

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