Do I Have Pick Eye???=/?!

Question: Do I Have Pick Eye!?!?!?=/!?
I woke up this morning and my eye was red/pink and it was kind of watering!. I didn't get anything in it because I had just woke up and I didn't put on any make-up or face cream!. It's bigger then my other eye too and the liner of my eye (where you put eye-liner) is all red!.
So, do I have it!?
Here's a picture; http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/24774848@N0!.!.!.

Haha XD


It sure looks like Pink Eye, or conjunctivitis!. It's a simple eye drop from your doctor, or even the Urgant Care place could handle this!. If the lower lid of your eye (on the inside) is A LOT redder than the other eye in that area, and you have yellow/greenish stuff in the corner of your eye (tear duct), it's pink eye!. If you're exposed to children a lot it's easy to get, very contagious!. You will need to be on the eyedrops for 24 hours before they'll let you return to work or school!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have pink eye your white part of your eyeball will be pink, not just the rim!. The watery stuff will be sticky and get crusty when it dries!. Just to be safe wash your hands alot and DO NOT RUB OR TOUCH YOUR EYE

If you do have it you cannot go to school or work, it is the most contagious thingWww@Answer-Health@Com

I really cannot tell by the pic, but the symptoms sound like it!. If it becomes real irritable and itchy, weepy with puss it probably is!. It will get worse before it gets better!. if it is Pink Eye you will need to throw away all of your eye make-up and start over so you do not reinfect yourself!.Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

isnt it called pink eye and also i cant really see cos of the flash
but for what i can see it kinda does look a bit like it if it gets worse and you get any discharge (yellowy white stuff coming out of the corner) go to the doctors and get some eye dropsWww@Answer-Health@Com

You can clean by hot water & put eye drops 3-4 times/dayWww@Answer-Health@Com

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