I passed out today on purpose?!

Question: I passed out today on purpose!?
ok so, three of my friends and i were trying the pass out game today during lunch!. i was the only one doing it right and i passed out!. i had some weird dream i dont remember it really but then i woke up and they were all standing around me like omg r u ok!!? and i didnt know where i was until like 15 sec!. l8r!. they said my eyes rolled up and i looked like i was having a seizure!. is this normal!? then the rest of the day i felt like i was drunk and i couldn't focus!. why did that happen!?

i did the one version of the game where u breathe really deeply then stand up fast and blow!.

and rude comments will be reported i already know its stupid ok!?

Dear Ann,

No thats not normal!.!.!.it would be wise for you to see a Neurologist!.!.!.to see one, you need to se a Internal Medicine doctor first!.

Do you suffer from miagrains!? Are they bad!? have you ever felt like you were dizzy, and seeing double!? These are just a few symptoms we get when we have a brian issue!. Most of the time, the brain issues are passed down by family members!.!.by your parents, grandparents, and so on!.!.!.so does anyone in your family have any issues such as MS, Seizures, or other brain issues!?

If you do have headache's!.!.!.there are a few things that will be helpful with them!.!.such as try to not eat somuch chocolate, and stop drinking drinks with a lot of caffene!.!.just limit them some!. Also a nice hot bath, just soak your head in it!.!.!.it will help to relieve the pressure!.

I suffer from Blacking out, Seizures, and many other symptoms brought on my severe brain damage!. Now I am not say that you have brain damage!.!.but it does sound like you have some isssues, that could lead to that!.!.!.therefore It would be wise, just to have a few tests done on you!.!.!.

Now I am dying from Severe brain injury, and I am sure thats not your problem!.!. Just go get some tests done this year!.!.!.and then keep the reports, for future, just incase you do start to show a issue with your brain!.!.it will help you in the long run, to help your doctors find out whats wrong, and to help if GOD for bid you had to get disability like I do!.!.!.it will help to build your case!.

However!.!.I do think that your passing out game, needs to stop!.!.because if you hit your head hard enough on the floor, or other items!.!.you could actually cause severe brain damage!.!.and thats no fun!.!.I have suffered from that for over 3 1/2 years now!.!.and my doctors cant save my life!.!.I cry myself to sleep every day!.!.and I cant go out of my house!.!.I am in severe pain all the time, and I take meds just so I can get to sleep!.!.!.its that bad!.

I use to be a rock climber, and many other things!.!.and I would love to get back to that!.!.but at the moment I cant!.!.!. So please take some advice from me, and be careful with your head, and your mind!.!.!.your life is important!.!.and I am sure you have MANY dreams you want to fulfill!.!.!.so GO FOR IT!

Anne (Crushed Pisces)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Darling!.!.!.!.good this and do the research for yourself before you try anything so moronic again!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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