Does anyone know how I can get sick?!

Question: Does anyone know how I can get sick!?
I need to get sick so I can miss out on a couple of days of school!.
Any suggestions!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yea don't try to avoid things!. I did that for 3 years, and it made it worse, and made me not want to go to school again!. Today i am missing school because i am sick!. I really want to be there because i already missed one day, from being sick, and i am missing 1 more day cause i will be on a Field trip!. I have to make up all of this work!. You will to!. When ever i say i am sick now, my parents bring me to the doctor, and if the doctor days i am not sick i have to pay the bill from going to the doctor, she does this because i use to lie so much to get out of school, because i am really good at faking sick, mainly because i am always sick!. Being sick is not fun!. So please just do your work and stay in school, it will help out in the long run!. I can see if you want 1 day off after a while of being in school, but this is still the beginning of the year!. So wait a while, if i don't miss 1 day of every quarter, my mom allows me to stay home everyonce in a while!. How about not today, but go to school for a few more weeks, then ask your mom if you can have a day off, but this won't work if your absent a lot!. Hope i helped!. =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, yo asss don't need to be trying to miss school!. You'll see the difference down the road when your job choices are something like A---McDonald's cashier or B---Burger King cashier instead of doctor or lawyer or something!. I'm not knocking these jobs at all; but, if you don't play your cards right by learning all you can learn you won't be able to use these type jobs as stepping stones to get to bigger and better jobs!. You feel me!? But, if you must miss school try eating some oatmeal until you get full and can't eat anymore!. Then, go to school and make yourself puke by sticking your finger down your throat!. Now, if no one doesn' t think that puke looks real, let them taste it to prove it otherwise!. Oatmeal favors puke anyhow, so it should work well in trying to fool the teacher!. But, don't make it a constant habit in trying to miss school or you'll regret it!. OK!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah take a cool shower without drying off and lay down with out a cover in front of a fan until the next morning!
wash your hair and sit in front of a fan!.!.!.
Basically get your pores open and sit somewhere cold for as long as possible!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That's not a good idea because you will have to make up the school work you missed!. Also, your reason for wanting to miss a couple of days of school might very well get you into some deep doo doo!. Forget it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Whats The Reason You Want To Miss School!?
Ridiculous >!.>Www@Answer-Health@Com

i do not think that is a good idea, come up with another excuse if you really need time offWww@Answer-Health@Com

Pour hot sauce in the toilet and say you threw up =PWww@Answer-Health@Com

That is ridiculous!.

Sort it out!.

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