What could cause fishy smelling urine?!

Question: What could cause fishy smelling urine!?
i know i'm a girl and people may assume it is actually discharge that smells fishy, but its definitely my urine that smells like fish!. and not EVERY time i pee!.
I don't think its a UTI because i go to the doctor once a month for an OB appt!. and my doctor would have noticed the tell tale signs for UTI in my urinalysis!. on my first ob appt!. they found hematuria and proteinuria, although i don't know the numbers, they rushed in and told my doctor right away but since then nothing has been done and my doctor hasn't seemed concerned in the least!.
what should i ask my doctor!? i think i have kidney issues of some kind, but seeing how my doctor is unconcerned with the hematuria, proteinuria and intermittent kidney pain i just assume its nothing!.

what should i do!? what should i ask at my next appt!. next week!? should i ask for my levels and numbers from my blood tests and urinalysis as far as how much protein and blood are regularly found in my urine!?

Your urine can smell from a lot of different things, most of which are totally harmless!.
Usually it will smell if you have some type of an infection ANYWHERE in your body!. A lot of times, it will smell even if you have or are catching a cold!.
Your diet can also make it smell, especially if you have had any asparagus!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you're that concerned, you should probably ask a doctor soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hm, an infection would have been my first guess!.!.!.but!.!.!.maybe you should see another doctor for a second opinion!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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