Can you give me some sleep tips? I'm such an insomniac?!

Question: Can you give me some sleep tips!? I'm such an insomniac!?
Insomia is such an annoying problem to have, am I right!? My mom has insomnia, and she stays up until four or five in the morning trying to fall asleep, then wakes up around 9 o'clock or 10, only having a few hours of sleep!. Once she gets to sleep, she often has trouble staying asleep!. She may get up and go get on the computer, or go downstairs to watch TV, and doesn't go back to sleep!. Also, she takes naps during the day as much as possible, often feels nonproductive, and always feels tired and drowsy!. She's pregnant now with her third child (a girl!.!.!. yay!!!) and pregnancy isn't helping her with this problem, though it was just as bad when she wasn't pregnant!.

I'm 14 now, and often have trouble falling asleep too!. I was reading the daily new on aol!.com the other day and the headline was "Having Trouble Falling Asleep!? Here Are Some Helpful Tips!."

Reading the paragraph about insomnia, I figures out that both my Mom and I had it (not as much me, but I didn't want to ever have that problem)!. Here are some of the helpful tips I remember:

1!. If you like to read before you go to bed, don't leave an over-head light on, or even a bed-side lamp!. When the lights are on, your brain can't register the need to sleep, so it can't send out sleep-hormones and the endorphins that ease you into sleep!. So instead of leaving your cute American Signature bed-side-lamp on, use a book light!. (my Dad bought me one at Borders for about $7!.99)!. The book-light allows for dark surroundings, subtley but surely sending those endorphins through your body, preparing for sleep when you turn the book-light off!. I tried that one night, and whoah did it work for me! I was reading the classic Harry Potter books, of course!.!.!.

2!. Secondly, it's said to be easier to fall asleep quickly under light-weight sheets!. In order to ease into that much-needed sleep, you body needs to release all of that energy and heat!. So stick your hands and feet out from under the sheets so the heat can escape ( it said that the best way to release that heat and energy build-up was through the feet and hands)!. I always used to sleep under layers and layers of quilts (and still do, except I stick my feet out of the end and my hands out of the top!.!.!. lol!.!.!. I still need my security blanckets!)!. So I tried it, and that worked, too! Also I pictured in my head arriving at Hogwarts castle to meet the ever-so-hot Cedrick Diggory (aka Robert Pattinson!.!.!. such a hottie!)!. But you definitely don't have to picture youself with a 16-year-old wizzard!.!.!. haha

3!. Thirdly-- this one is obvious -- don't eat any high-sugar, high energy foods or drink any soda before you get to bed!. I've also heard that it's good to eat banannas or other high-protien foods (like fish-- but fish doesn't make for a bed-time-snack)!. The protien int he food helps rebuild muscle, all in all restoring the muscle tissues in your body and replenishing your body for a well-rested woman the next day! But I heard this one else where!.!.!. my mom is a Nurse Practicioner!.!.!.

Combined, these things really helped me get to a great, dreamless, deep sleep!. Otherwise known as rim-sleep!. Without rim-sleep, your body cannot restore itself to prepare you for your next day!. I also learned this from my insomiatic, crazy (but cool sometimes), all-knowing (not really all-knowing) mother!.

I hope these tips help you to get a better sleep!. Coming from a 14-year-old girl, you might think twice about taking my advice, but I promise you theese will help you a lot!

Best of luck,

~La Tua Cantante~
(your singer in Italian)
aka: LizzieWww@Answer-Health@Com

Cool it on the late night caffeine, take a hot shower right before bedtime, get someone to give you a long foot massage right before bed, do some relaxing light reading before you turn in, listen to some soft relaxing instrumental music (turned down low) as you try to drift off, drink a glass of warm milk about a half hour before bedtime, find someone you love and care about and give them a huge hug before you turn in (the pleasant thought can be very relaxing), stay away from watching horror flicks or upsetting stories on the news, avoid video games that have a lot of violence and sit off your competitive spirit, try to have as much blue, green, and purple in your bedroom, with as little of red, orange, and yellow, as possible (the former are considered to be calming colors, the latter to be upsetting colors), if you're sleeping solo, get a stuffed animal and hug it tight as you try to get to sleep!. Hope you can find some of these helpful!. My prayers for pleasant dreams tonight!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hot, Milky drinks (no caffeine)
Relaxation and Breathing techniques
Warm Bath

Trying to go to bed at a regualr time each night often helps!.
If it comes to it, visit your doctor and in the short term they can prescribe a weeks worth of sleeping tablets to try and get you back into a normal sleep pattern!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

One of the things that can help is to put some very soothing Music on when you get into bed and it Calms you!.CDs are available in shops for this, I got one for my DaughterWww@Answer-Health@Com

Beware of the caffeine in cola drinks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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