For those of you that live with incontinence what is your choice of thick diaper!

Question: For those of you that live with incontinence what is your choice of thick diaper!?
I have tried abena x plus and they are grea but expensive an dyou get littl ein a bag!. I have tried depends overnight and they dont work well!. I am looking for a really thick diaper that can hold a lot of urine!. I have a problem wetting the bed!. I want a website that ships discreetly as well any suggestions thanks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It doesn't matter how old he is!. People have problems!.

But I'm sorry I really don't know!.



This next one offers extra liners that you put inside the diapers:

Unfortunately i don't know about thick diapers that you can use, but i can tell how you can get better control of your bladder!. Go to the health food store and get some buckwheat honey!. Stir 2 teaspoons in about 8 oz!. of warm water and drink b4 going to bed!. Buckwheat honey can also be added to coffee and tea and it can be used on toast or hot cereal!. Try this non invasive, natural healing modality and see what happens!.

I am a bed wetter too!. I use cloth diapers and plastic pants!. These seem to work the best and hardly ever leak!. There are a few companies who make cloth diapers for youths and adults!. I believe that most will ship discreetly!. Baby Kins in Canada ships in a plain brown cardboard box!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

How old are you!? http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index!?!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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