Help me. Now I'm scared...?!

Question: Help me!. Now I'm scared!.!.!.!?
Two Fridays ago (13 days ago), I had fever, body aches and nausea!. I also lost my appetite!. I was worse until last Wednesday!. Now I don't have fever and my appetite is sort of back, but my stomach isn't quite normal!. Like, I can't eat my favorite food!. If I do, I'll be sick!. Two days ago, I tried eating chicken and then a coke, and I nearly threw up afterwards!. But soup, honey and bread is working fine for me!.

How long till I be normal!? This is getting so frustrating!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ugh, I hate being sick!. I hope you feel better soon!. And you will!. The scary part, the fever, is gone now so its nothing but a slow road to recovery!.

Here's some tips that might help:

Start off slow!. By this I mean that your stomach has had one heck of a last couple of weeks!. Do it a favor and ease it back into a normal state!. My doctor always told me!.!.!.over and over!.!.!. use the B!.R!.A!.T!.diet!. This consists of variations of:

Rice or rice cereal

While this may sound bland and completely unappealing compared to a tasty piece of greasy chicken and a cool refreshing Coke, remember that your stomach feels just as worn out from being sick as you do!. =)

Eat a little and work your way up!. Instead of your usual three big meals a day, try several smaller ones that will be easier for your stomach to handle!. And if soup is working for you, stick to that as well!. The broth is good for you! Just make sure not to eat soups that are heavy on the cream or spices!.

Most important, especially after a stomach sickness and throwing up, etc!.!.!.!.!.stay hydrated! Drink plenty of fluids!.!.!.just not soft drinks!. =) Apple juice (maybe with a little water added), water of course (but that doesnt always work with my stomach after being sick, nor a lot of people's), tea (nothing fancy, and this could be sweetened with the honey your stomach seems to enjoy)!.!.!.!.just avoid citrus juices, coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks, etc!.

You should be fine in a couple of more days!. If not, or if your symptoms get worse (such as you cant even keep liquids down, the fever returns or you have severe pain) then please go see a doctor!.

Well, I hoped I helped just a bit!. Hope you feel better! =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

we all have different time limits, some its a week while others is almost 3 months My mother has been on liquid diets for almost 2 months!.!. I was on it for 3 weeks lost a lot a weight which I liked but now I am eating all my favorite foods and watching out for the lemon on the glass and what and who serves me!.!.!.!. people don't wash there hands I went to Churches Fried Chicken and I saw this man go to the bathroom and just walk out and started mixing the bat for the fried chicken I will never go to that store again!.!.!. with the way things are contaminated all over and how we are served no wonder we are getting sick!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you might still be a little sick!. I wouldn't over eat the meats and dairy!. Something like that happens sometimes just give your stomach a break for a few days then try eating your favorite foods again and you still feel bad eating them see a doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

For the next few days give your stomach a rest and eat only bland floods like jello, mashed potatoes, toast, weak tea, broth, and such!. You stomach may be really irritated!. If you don't improve in a few days time, see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Some viruses take a while to work through the system, especially things like influenza!. I'd wait it out another week before trying to drink things like coke or eating chicken!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the best advise i can give you is to see a doctor and get it checked out you may have a virus or something possibly even food poisoningWww@Answer-Health@Com

i think there is something wrong with your food if you get sick again when eating it!.!.!.

throw away the chicken it sounds badWww@Answer-Health@Com

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