It is 4 oclock am and i cant sleep. Any Idea of things to do to pass time?!

Question: It is 4 oclock am and i cant sleep!. Any Idea of things to do to pass time!?
I can't fall alseep because Ive already triedWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you can't sleep it could be stress, or other thoughts keeping you awake!.

I think you should definitely try to go to sleep!.

Here are some tips I hope will help in the future!.

I believe it's important to make yourself go get in the bed as part of your routine even if you aren't feeling sleepy!. It takes discipline to make yourself go to bed on time!.

I've found that routine is key!. Get into a great routine with bedtime and stick to it!. I've always read that tv is very bad for going to sleep!. It's too stimulating for you to really get sleepy!. Other activites that are less stimulating can actually tire you down and help you go to sleep!. These are activities like reading or word or number puzzles!. I love SUDOKU it is light and challenging and really tires my brain so that I go right to sleep when I turn off my reading light!.

You don't want to be getting up and walking around if you can't sleep because that could make it harder to go to sleep!.

It's important to not watch tv, or do other things in the bedroom!. Psychiatrists say the bedroom is for sleep and sex only!.

Certain foods can help you go to sleep!.!.!. drinking a little bit of milk is good whether it's warm or cold!. There are some teas that are decafinated that are good to drink a little before you go to bed, I think one is cammomile (sleepy time)!.

Doing something calming like rubbing your hands, arms and legs down with a calming lotion is relaxing and can help you wind down!. Some lotions are made especially for this: Johnson & Johnson's bedtime lotion!.

Some sounds and scents are also relaxing and help you wind down!. Sometimes I go to sleep listening to a very low classical cd, or nature sounds, also the sound of the ceiling fan on high helps me go to sleep!.

Also the bedtime lotion's nice smell is very relaxing!.

It's important to be in a good state of mind when trying to go to sleep!. Do whatever helps you get into this frame of mind!. Meditation or yoga may be helpful as well to help "calm the mind"!.

Avoid drinking or eating foods with caffeine before bed as well as medication that may keep you awake!.

I would encourage you to try some of these things, or find some of your own things to do that are relaxing and make yourself get into the bed by a certain time every night and make yourself stick to a routine for bedtime!. Before long it will feel more natural (like second nature) and it will be much easier for you to go to bed on time and get more sleep!. This will also help you feel more rested!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its 5:14 Am here and I cant sleep!.!.!. Getting online is actually one of the worst things you can do!. The bright computer screen in a dark room tricks your brain into releasing an enzyme which keeps you alert (think of sun coming through the window early in the morning)!.

If you have to go to sleep turn on something like the history channel or national geographic!. these shows usually have monotone narrators and "bore" some people!. If you absolutely MUST fall asleep I recommend taking a Benadryl as it is non habit forming and will knowck you out in 30 minutes or less!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Start reading a book!. It's a shame but, that always puts me to sleep!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well ,trie drinks hot coco drink alot!.!.it's work for me or read story book!.!.!.then clear all mess in urs mind!.!.!.!.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzWww@Answer-Health@Com

Read books or have a warm bath, probably can get u back to sleepWww@Answer-Health@Com


Read, watch TV, drink tea, prepare for the day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Call the marine!.!.they can help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Watch CNN!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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