I just ate a spoiked chicken breast. What is gona happen?!

Question: I just ate a spoiked chicken breast!. What is gona happen!?
I just ate a pretty large boneless chicken breast that was cooked in the george foreman grill!. The label said sell by may 14th so i figured it would be fine, but when my mom came home and smelled the other chicken breast that was in the package she said it has gone bad for sure!. Im pretty scared right now and I dont know what I should do or should expect!. I guess for now ill start drinking alot of water!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If it was cooked THOROUGHLY - no pink through the middle - then you're almost certainly fine!. Cooking kills salmonella!. If you have reason to think it WASN'T cooked properly, you'll start to feel bad within three or four hours, tops!. If you get past that, you're very likely perfectly ok!.

If you do start to feel bad, get to the ER, and let them know what you ate!.

The sell by date isn't a big deal; and the package can smell bad even if the chicken is perfectly ok, since it absorbs blood and gives bacteria a place to grow!. The main thing is that the chicken was WELL-COOKED, so as to kill whatever bacteria were there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I saw this question too late!. By now you are either ok or just about to die due to the allergic reaction to the chicken toxins!. Anyway, It could be possible to survive the poisoning if you could destroy it in the grill so who knows!.!.!.!.It could be nice if you tell us how do you feel now, food poisoning affects you quite fast so if you don't have an anaphilactic shock by now, you are going to be ok, maybe some runs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If I was you, I would take some of that icapac syrup or whatever they call it to make yourself vomit to get rid of it now, before it gives you vomiting and gastic and tummy pains in the middle of the night, cause you can get salmanella poisoning from it so, and that aint pretty, hope this helps, goodluck! :) (Remember this for future - if in doubt - chuck it out!) OKWww@Answer-Health@Com

You might have to spend some time in the bathroom at worst!. It was fully cooked so, I'd bet you'll be fine!. Chicken that is already marinated when you buy it at the store spoils alot faster!. I quit buying it!. I marinate the meat myself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you are going to get a sick tummy
the runs!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
and you will learn to stick your head in the porcelin throne
you will blow chunks of chicken
pass gas
and if you are really lucky win a free trip to the emergency room!.!.!.!.

LOL, Chris, if you didn't get sick right away!.!.you'll be fine!. More than likely!.!.you'll poop weird and then it will all be over!. Just drink a lot of water and hope for the best!. Good LuckWww@Answer-Health@Com

you'll be fine, just keep drinking lots of water and get some healthy food in your system, than straight up poop it out of system!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with the other answers but I guess if you're worried it can't hurt to go get checked by a doctor, you know, just to be safe!Www@Answer-Health@Com

its only one day over due!. im sure your mother is just being paranoid, my mom is like that too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well you might throw upWww@Answer-Health@Com

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