Is there anyway to stop a cold forming??!

Question: Is there anyway to stop a cold forming!?!?
i can feel a cold coming on but i really dont want it as its my 3 year anaversairy in a few days and we have a big day planned!! is there anything i can do to stop it coming!?!?!? please help!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should try to 'build' up a strong immune defense
you need alot of vitamin C
u know one oranhe can give 102% worth of ur dialy req!. of vitamin C!?
have two a day to start with
and have some honey in the morning!.!.!.it works wonders!

Please answer this :->

If the cold virus is already in your body, sorry ! You will read 'rubbish' about zinc / echinacea / etc!., etc!., but, if you have a cold it will run it's course, end-of-story !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Be yourself and behave normal!. Dont rush the things!. Anniversary will come and go!. Concentrate on future relationship!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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