Is marijuana bad for you?!

Question: Is marijuana bad for you!?
my best friend uses it like at least 1 time a day
hes like its not bad
i keep telling him to stop but he wont

anyway he said hed stop when he moves because he wont have any friends he feels confortable with at his new school but i think thats a lie

and also he says that i being bilimic is worse then him being an addictWww@Answer-Health@Com

Wow , i have a close friend of mine that has smoked marijuana since he was 16!. He is now 21!. I hate that he does it!. And i also have tried to stop him from smoking it!. It os bad for your brain!. People that smoke marijuana believe that they are happier when they smoke it, but i dont think so!. I think that its like an artificial happiness, and they will never really be happy if they are going to keep smoking that!. And he also keeps telling me that its not bad, and that it makes him more aware, and stuff like that!. And i dont think that he wud be able to stop smoking it when he moves because if he smokes that stuff evryday it will be hard to resist it!. You're a bulimic!? You know both things are both serious, and being bulimic is really unhealthy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes; Marijuana is BAD for you !.!.!.!.!. it can cause acute panic reaction, Toxic delirium, An accute paranoid state, psychoses, as well as !.!.!. like tobacco products , CAN do damage to the vessels going into and out of the penis and testicales ; not to mention shrinkage of the penis 'n testicales and IMPOTENCE !.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hi, anybody that says its not bad for you needs a reality check if you know any body that is on hard drugs you will probably be aware that 9 out of 10 of them started on marijuana first, then they proceed to the stronger drugs its very rare that someone will just start taking crack etc without smoking marijuana first for sometime!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hello,,Smoking is bad,,just eat it,,it still works without the cough!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Be careful that you won't get addicted yourself!. He should go to be treated for his addiction!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its not the worst drug out there and lots of people do it but it is addicting like all drugs and he will be wasting a lot of $$ over timeWww@Answer-Health@Com

its not that it is bad for you it can just make some poeple stupid sometimes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it is bad for youWww@Answer-Health@Com


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