What do you do everyday to take care of yourself?!

Question: What do you do everyday to take care of yourself!?
I think it is important to take care of yourself a little each and every day!. I grew up in a very bad environment and had a hard time adjusting to adulthood but now I feel better than I ever have in life!. In the past year I have implemented a lot of nurturing habits in my life that have made me feel really good about myself and where I am going!. I find that simple things help me out through the course of the day!.

What little things do you do to "treat" yourself or take care of yourself each day!?

Here are a few of mine:

- I make sure to eat a good breakfast, even when I don't want to!. (I eat two whole grain waffles and a banana or some other fruit, but I real like the banana for its nutrients)!.

- I like to relax with a cup of green tea!. This works well in the afternoon when my energy is lagging!.

- I try to do some variation of Benson's Relaxation Response frequently (a few times a week at least) to clear my mind!. Sometimes I'll do Progressive Relaxation for the body as well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Im a guy, but im very into hygiene and the art of taking care of myself

16 btw!.!.!.

cereal (general mills approved)
mango slices
orange jucie
omega 3 pill

facial cleanser
lotion on top so skin doesnt dry

i eat modest for lunch

veggies and meat with rice for dinner

sometimes soup

yes i know i dont like the meals i eat either

btw sometimes when im bored of that routine and pig out on Burger King with my friendsWww@Answer-Health@Com

I try to wash my face every night and use my clearisil on any zits and my metro lotion on my rosacea to keep my cheeks looking nice!. I drink chammomile tea with a little bit of cream and sweetner!. I take hot baths when i can!. I do gentle stretching in the morning!. I try to eat well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

- Wash my face every morning and night!.
- Take my vitamins
- Sleep
- Exercise(jogging)
- I've lately starting flossing daily
- Drink green tea
- Eat a banana daily

Haha, I'm proud of myself!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree never go to sleep without washing your face!. Makeup and toxins clog the pores!. Live, laugh, love and most of all pray!. It works wonders!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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