Why do we take so long in making an appointment with the Doctor's when we fe!

Question: Why do we take so long in making an appointment with the Doctor's when we feel ill!?
*As it's been pointed out, we hope we will get better before we have to go!.

*We wait to see if it is just a coincidence or is something else causing it!.

*When you do go to early the Dr says there is nothing they can do, you need to wait a few more days or so to see!. When it is something more serious they make you wait anyway! I had to wait 3 months to see if the complex cyst would grow more - or not!.!.!. nice time bomb in the back of my mind!.!.!.

*You just know that by the time the Dr CAN see you - you will be better and forget to go and get slugged a fee for not calling 24hrs before hand!.!.!.


*You hate sitting around in a sugery waiting room with all those sick people - I mean come on!.!.!. who wants to sit in there!?!?!?

*You think it is something else!.!.!. one time I had all these stupid things wrong with me, sore back, irregular cycle sometimes, irregular toilet habits - but nothing consistant and nothing for sure!.!.!. thought I was going mad!.!.!. turned out I needed surgery! For over a year i thought I was "only" getting over having my 2nd child- but it was more serious - who knew!?!?!?

*Scared silly that you really are very ill, or that you will be told that you are being silly thinking that you are really seriously ill! Either or both are valid!.

*Not knowing a really good Dr!. Or having faith in the one you do have - or CAN get into!.

there are so many reasons!.!.!.
Good luck with what ever brought on this question - I hope everything will be alright, and that you know that it's really very natural to delay the visit!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

For me it's because:-

1) I hope I'll be better soon and won't need to go!.
2) Not wanting to sit in a waiting room of germy, coughy people (and end up worse than before I went!)!.
3) Thinking what I have is insignficant and my "not wanting to bother" the Doctor with something I consider trivial!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

knowing the money it will cost, the hours sitting in the waiting room, the paperwork involved, wondering if i met the deductible yet(no that means more money)!.
and having some one who just finished his schooling talk to me like i am stupid!. and when you do talk to the doctor he stops listening when he thinks he figured out what is wrong!. you go but the prescription and it is not for the problem you went in for!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

becuase you are hoping whatever is wrong will go away by itself, and if it doesn't then you're scared that it's something really nasty and don't really want to face itWww@Answer-Health@Com

Because apart from hoping it will clear up by itself getting past the receptionist is such a mission it puts me off ringing them!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Because we hope whatever it is will go away on it's own, and we don't like to make a fuss!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe we're scared that it might be something seriousWww@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe we are afraid of the bill that comes afterwards!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

because it's a not very fun, expensive hassle!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

were hoping well get better without having to go!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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