Chronic Fatigue Syndrome??!

Question: Anybody out there find anything helpful for overcoming this and the 'brain fog' too? It's hard to concentrate, think and socialise when you feel so drained after 20 minutes or so.

Answers: Anybody out there find anything helpful for overcoming this and the 'brain fog' too? It's hard to concentrate, think and socialise when you feel so drained after 20 minutes or so.

Sounds like you are in Phase 2 CFIDS.
This is a link to a .pdf file with about 60 pages of info on the disease process; great info:

As you probably know, current thought is:
The brain fog is related to toxins entering the brain near the area of the hypothalamus; causing injury to the subcortex level - short term memory, sensory info overload, word searching, imaging, spacial disorganization, multitasking problems (loss of ability).

The fatigue is related to your body down regulating (slowing)the more efficient aerobic pathway of ATP (energy for your body) production, in favor of the less productive anaerobic pathway. However, your body is doing this to save your life; as you currently lack a sufficient quantity of enzymes to break down the peroxide and superoxide that are byproducts of the aerobic pathway.

The anaerobic ATP production pathway has a by product of lactic acid (the reason a person gets sore muscles after a long run is the build up of lactic acid in the muscles - you can just get it without the run). There are also high levels of citrate in the anaerobic process, and high levels of lactate can be found in the brain of CFIDS patients. (Page 26 in "cheneyII3.pdf")

Magnesium binds readily to citrate; so a magnesium deficiency will be found in CFIDS patients, but must be tested for via magnesium loading test (regular blood test will show false normal levels).

The lack of enzymes comes from an immune disfunction that has triggered large quantities of low molecular weight RNAse (RNAse-L) to be produced, destroying proteins. (Research by Suhadolnik: CFIDS Pts. have a high level of RNAse-L that will destroy a target in 60 seconds that in normal patients will take 60 minutes to destroy.)

As this disease progresses it sleep will be affected and you will not enter a Delta wave sleep stage for sufficient time. Unfortunately, the Delta stage is required for the brain to heal its self properly, and brain scans will show a B12 vitamin deficiency (want to replace with hydroxocobalamin - not the cyanocobalamin commonly found in drug stores).

I would recomend that you seek out a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) in your area that specalizes in CFIDS and/or detoxification to help give your body as much support dealing with this disease as possible.

Bastyr University is one of the leading educators in the field of Natural Medicine. You can find a Bastyr graduate by selecting "Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine" and your state here:
There are other schools that train NDs, but not all states license NDs yet. So if you don't find a graduate in your state, check neighboring states and other school referals.

Untill then, it would seem that getting good, natural sleep is important. Eating plenty of protein (gotta feed the pesky RNAse-L since the off switch is broken). Taking anti-oxidant vitamins such as Vitamin-C (bowel tollerance) and Vitamin-E (mixed tocophorals not just alpha-tocophoral). Massages would be good to help flush the lactic acid. Magnesium suppliment based off of the results of your Magnesium loading test. Regular bowel movements will help carry waste products out.
These are a few basic ideas - your ND can help you find appropriate levels and proper quality suppliments for your condition (a vitamin is not just a vitamin - there is a big difference), as well as help you learn to help your body deal with this disease and the myriad of difficulties it presents.

Acupuncture can help with your energy level (my own mother has had good results with regular treatment), but your money will be best spent consulting with an ND right now.

try google. it should give you plenty of answers.;...

check out my question this will lead you to some answers.

Amino acids. Acetyl-L-carnitine works good for brain fog. You have to get at least the 500mg strength, then decide how many and how often works best for you. L-Carnitine is good for energy, you can take up to 3000mg per day. L-Arginine and L-Ornithine is really good for energy too. CFS patients are often low on Magnesium, so you need about 800-1000mg of it per day.

I'm on the prescription drug Lyrica. I take it for Fibromyalgia and it definitely helps me have more energy. It may help your CFS, too. Ask your doctor about it.

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