I am having urges to bite.Why am i having these urges?!

Question: Im having weird urges to bite.My teeth start hurting if i dont bite something.I've tried eating meat when this happens it doesnt work.I have bitten my self so bad i bled. Why am i having these urges?

Answers: Im having weird urges to bite.My teeth start hurting if i dont bite something.I've tried eating meat when this happens it doesnt work.I have bitten my self so bad i bled. Why am i having these urges?

See a dentist...there may be something wrong with your mouth/teeth. If they give you a clear bill, I would seek a therapist...u may be having the urge to hurt yourself. Please do not bite yourself, especially so badly. Try to bite something else that won't hurt your teeth, but firm enough to give you the outlet you seem to desire.

Consult a Psychologist or Psychiatric.

get something to chew on like a pencil or string it might be because you are getting new teeth

Did u have an accident off late??? Rob Schneider, anyone!!!!

There are adults that walk around with a pacifier in their mouths.
I do hope that your problem is not due to the same reason as theirs.
For chewing, try gum to work the jaws. Meat is not the only answer to chew.
You may be feeling the need for hard fibrous fruits and vegetables.
This may be more of a biting urge. Raw carrots, hard apples, celery, coconut etc all have that satisfying hard crunch that you may crave.

Your sexually frustrated or not happy with something in your life, otherwise?

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