Do you think that prescription drugs?!

Question: are just a way to keep people addicted to them so they have a way to make more money?

Answers: are just a way to keep people addicted to them so they have a way to make more money?

that's a very good question Eileen B i have to agree with everyone here except for babz who sounds like a ***** lifeless D**K HOLE, and brendaR (which stans for retard)who has a stick up her A** calling everyone ignorant who the hell does she think she is!!! lol anyway good question.

watch the movie Sick-0....

Drug companies want a happy medium. They dont want us to die, because then they cant make money off of us.
They also dont want us to be completely healthy, because then we wont need their medicine.
It is easy for people to get addicted to prescription drugs, as some of the most dangerous stuff you can put in your body can be obtained over the counter.

Yeah, that's the gist of it.

When cannabis becomes a federally recognized legal presciption drug, lets see how many of you change your minds about how useful they are; many of you are probably heavily against it. I'm not, so it might change my mind because cannabis couldn't be used as a tool for addiction, because it causes none. The internet killed the war on drugs. We can find the truth rather than take things at face value now.

On occasion, that's probably the case. But on the other hand, without perscription drugs, the hospitals would be overflowing.

yes, i'm sure diabetics, people with high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease love pretending to have these problems just to keep those poor drug reps kids in college, and to make sure the bottom line of the pharmacutial companies is nice and healthy!

Most prescriptions are life-improving for many people. The same medication may be worthless, harmful, and/or addictive to others. Some people would die without their prescription drugs. Although there is a huge, HUGE problem with prescription drug abuse nowadays, it's pretty clear that not all prescription drugs are that sinister and toxic. Even the most commonly abused medications do have an appropriate and beneficial therapeutic use for certain people in certain situations.

In a way yes.........

Im sorry but you guys are all very very wrong. I have never heard anything so ignorant in my life. Yes they charge way to much, but they save thousands of lives every day.....and by the way, most medications are maintenance medications, meaning you must take them every day. Think about it people. The only drugs that are highly addictive that are sold in pharmacies are C2's and that is why they are so highly regulated.......

This question and all of your answers make me sick

No, they're distinctly useful. The system is warped considerably, though, by insurance. For instance, proton pump inhibitors work only marginally better than H2 blockers for peptic ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux. Their cost, however, is many times greater. In a free market, the vast majority would want the older drugs. In our current system, people only get huffy about "second-rate care" if it's suggested. And the treatment of hypertension, for instance, and its costs, are even more warped: A doctor has to treat a couple of hundred hypertensives for five years to save one life, but each of them has to pay for treatment. The overall costs of treatment are well worth it, the general idea being that a life saved is worth an investment of around US$50,000 per year, and the treatment of hypertension is much more cost-effective than that. In this case, universal first-dollar insurance coverage would be sensible if the cost of the drugs could be negotiated fairly.

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