WTF is wrong with me?! or am i just paranoid!?!

Question: Since the past 2 years, I've had on and off shoulder pain (on the left side) where the muscle tightens. I usually go and see a massage therapist to relieve the pain and loosen the muscle.

Recently I've been experiencing the following:
- lost a bit of grip strength on my right hand
- woken up in the middle of night by numb forearms
- shoulder spasm/pain (both left and right)
- light headache
- light headedness

I'd like to hear your opinion. What do you think?! Am I just paranoid?!

Answers: Since the past 2 years, I've had on and off shoulder pain (on the left side) where the muscle tightens. I usually go and see a massage therapist to relieve the pain and loosen the muscle.

Recently I've been experiencing the following:
- lost a bit of grip strength on my right hand
- woken up in the middle of night by numb forearms
- shoulder spasm/pain (both left and right)
- light headache
- light headedness

I'd like to hear your opinion. What do you think?! Am I just paranoid?!

have you been checked for carpal tunnel syndrome or tendinitis?

You should go see a doctor and get properly diagnosed.

you need to see a doctor!

honestly it might be all in your head but you might have something wrong with you, go get it checked out!

and if you just keep thinking about it over and over like i said it might just be all in your head

you are probably experiencing mini-strokes. have you thought about seeing a neurologist?

Have you ever experienced whip lash? You may have a nerve pinched in your neck. Definitely, go to the doctor.

Do these when you're better:

I would see a doctor. Sounds like when I had to have my gallbladder removed, I had those symptoms..

I think you should see a doctor. That does not sound normal and no i don't think your just paranoid.

Sounds like nerve damage. See a doc.

sounds like tendonitis and stress, you might benefit from taking an NSAID regularly, but most cases of tendonitis are caused by repetitive motion, like moving a mouse and clicking for hours every day, sort of like tennis elbow suffered by professional atheletes. So give some thought to what you might be doing repeatedly and try to minimize that movement.

you have a pinched nerve u need a special doctor

You should prob go see a doctor and get a proper diagnosis or you could try this website Its prob not always right but it may give you an idea. Hope ur feelin better soon.

see an orthopedic DOCTOR. you could have bursitis, arthritis, compromised nerve(s), a rotator cuff injury, etc.

Try a different mattress for a few days. But go to the Doctor first. It could be something more serious.

yep you have deterriation of the 1 or more disc's in your neck most likely. you need to go to the chiropracter and get some treatment. i have the the same 4th and 5th vertibrates are slightly touching due to deterrations of the disc. a chiropracter can help relieve the pain with theropy. also, it coudl be a herrniated bf had the same thing from wrestling.

Go to hope it gives you a good idea of what it is.

no you are not paranoid.Go see a doctor.

I think that you have very simple daily life stress, and you can visit your psychiatrist and just talk to him about what you felt.and you shouldn't show your health problemes here ,because no one can help you without showing all your story to create full information about all your life aspects to give you the good dignousis. with a happy life


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