Is anyone suffering from Anxiety since giving birth?!

Question: Since having my baby 12 weeks ago, I have found that I am sooo anxious and paranoid every day...I panic about bugs and germs ie MRSA when I came out of hospital...I was convinced Id bought that bug home with me and was spreading it around my home....and also I find myself spending hours worrying about the effect of the cleaning chemicals I have used to clean my house such as dettol etc incase these harm her in any way....Is it normal to feel this anxious all the time?

Answers: Since having my baby 12 weeks ago, I have found that I am sooo anxious and paranoid every day...I panic about bugs and germs ie MRSA when I came out of hospital...I was convinced Id bought that bug home with me and was spreading it around my home....and also I find myself spending hours worrying about the effect of the cleaning chemicals I have used to clean my house such as dettol etc incase these harm her in any way....Is it normal to feel this anxious all the time?

You wouldn't be a good mum unless you worried about your little one , it is unevitable you want to keep her safe but to me it sounds like it is taking over your life a bit and taking the enjoyment out off being a new mum . Try and tell afriend how you feel or your health visitor ,if you have one . They are there for you at time like these . I sometimes lie awake at night thinking oh i should have done this different or that and my little girl is four but she is happy because i am happy around her so pleeese try to relax .

Totally, give yourself a break..... Having a baby is a massive thing....

I was just the same when i had my first baby, paranoid about germs etc........ it will ease.

Promise x

p.s. Make sure you try to enjoy those early days cos they soon pass.... Try and relax, find some "you" time somewhere, all babies sleep sometimes, stuff the housework, coffee and Phil & Fern is what is required-trust me!

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