Can urine be used for anything usefull?!

Question: I don't know... degrease engines, make your houseplants grow faster, mark your territory against wolves??? anything?

Answers: I don't know... degrease engines, make your houseplants grow faster, mark your territory against wolves??? anything?

I heard that you can use your own urine to cure pink eye.
There is some book on urine therapy. Cant say that I will stock it on my bookshelf anytime soon.

I think it would kill the plants though.

Good luck to ya.

On man vs wild, bear grylz pees in his shirt and puts it on his head to stay cool.

LoL well predators mark their territory with their urine and you can make a drug with it and your poop...

Urine can be used for killing weeds.

yes it actually has a slight electric charge and some urinals have the ability to harness that charge and use it to power devices. it's a trip.

iF you are ever stung by a jellyfish (super-ouch), your urine applied after such bite will take the sting out.

Urine was once used for cleaning laundry in the 1700's, so it had some purpose then.
It also was used in ancient times to dye fabric colours... egh.

Pee on your feet in a prison, hostel, or public shower to keep from getting foot fungus. pee on insect and jellyfish stings to reduce inflammation. Must be fresh healthy urine, of course. No sickness or disease. I've used the pee-on-your-feet trick in jail and in hostels.

When I was seven I sold a bottle to a neighbor saying it was window cleaner for $2.00. Guess it can be used to make a quick buck.

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