How can aperson get rid of all of their problems (entire) that theyre having?!

Question: is it possible i talk to god hes answering some of them

Answers: is it possible i talk to god hes answering some of them

Well there's dying, but something tells me that's not the right way to go....


u need help

You work on problems... You put your effort into fixing them. You ask for help. From people and most importantly from G-d.
He is always listening, and always answering... sometimes the answer is no for whatever reason.. we have to learn to accept things for our own good.. and sometimes its yes..but we have to pray more....and more.. good luck to you

God is the only answer my sweet child! But if one of them is foot odor, then it might also help if you change your socks more often.

talk to your God. be grateful everyday for what you have. thank God for everything. you're God will not give you anything that you can't handle.

God answers all payers........Sometimes the answer is No!

With patience and percipience. Nothing happens overnight. so don't give up you have to solve the problems of life one at a time

I don't know that you can really get rid of all your problems but you can let them go and put them in God's hands. Everyone has problems which we have to deal with it's how you deal with them I believe. Keep talking to God.

No way, problems are what life is made of, and life is full of problems for us to sort out until the end.

find music belive me. stay away from sad music belive me. find music you like turn it up so high you cand even see and just sing and smile sing and smile and sing and smile do this every morning if you dont have the luxury of living on your own use headphones or do it in the car. hope this helps and i hope you feel better.

If you had no problems, you would never learn anything. Humans are made to solve problems... that is how we evolve. God won't help you if you don't help yourself.


You can talk to God all you want to. But GOD helps them that help themselves.

If you want help with things start asking questions of those around you who you feel are good roll models. Who don't have a lot of prolems. Most good people will share their knowledge and advice. Take what you hear and consider it. Be sure you make up your own mind about what is best.
You will live the outcome of it in any event.

Things like problems come and go. Think in terms of THIS TOO SHALL PASS. It is the nature of life. But if you keep putting in donkey dirt to your life maker will continue to get donkey dirt bricks to build your life with.

The vast number of problems most have are their own doing. In your conversations with God, ask for advice from that source to help you understand what you are doing that could be done or made better. All you need to do is start asking.
It's AMAZING how the universe will provide answers that help and direct. It won't always be easy but it will continue ...and if you keep asking for a better life, it should get better as time passes.

Pray God. your sin cere prayer will be answered
How to talk with God:- I - King 3:5-13 gives details

you cant get rid all of your problems but you can ease the pain/burden by talking to God or share you probs with your best friends..dont think too much of your probs ok..

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