What can a doctor tell about you just by looking at you?!

Question: medically?

Also, how would they tell?

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Answers: medically?

Also, how would they tell?

Answer everything you know, whether or whether not you think it is boring...it is not boring to me.

The person with the most things gets best answer.

the response of the patient will lead to the opinion of wheather the patient is depressed
posture will give an indication of pain
skin color will give an indication of circulation and or anemia'
clubbed finger tips or n finger nails will give an indication of both respiratory status or liver disease
color of nail beds or mucus membranes give an indication of oxygen levels within the tissues
rapid respiration's give an indication of respiratory problems
swollen ankles , feet hands give an indication of heart trouble
distended abdomen give an indication of poor bowel function or urinary retention
brittle hair gives an indication of thyroid problems
dry skin and mucus membranes gives an indication of dehydration
red draining eyes give an indication of eye infection
cough weather dry or moist productive or nonproductive give an indication of asthma or bronchitis
odor of the persons breath can give an indication of diabetes or hepatic encephalopathy
failure to respond to questions may indicate hearing loss
level of consciousness may indicate head injury or drug use
red pain full swollen leg only on one side may indicate a deep vein thrombosis
sudden onset of designation with clear lung sounds and sufficient respiration could indicate a pulmonary embolism
blood running from the ear could indicate a ruptured ear drum
fluid running from the ear could indicate a skull fracture

overweight, acne

Basic, obvious things, like if you're missing a limb (and don't have a prosthetic) or something.
If you are in pain or have an abnormal gait for some other reason, they can tell by how you walk or how you stand.
If you are really pale you may have anemia/iron deficiency.
If you are obviously overweight.
Skin problems- everything from acne to rosacea to dandruff.
Doctors can usually tell if you've been using illicit drugs for a while or if you have an eating disorder- your hair, skin, and fingernails change with these things.
If you have a liver problem, the whites of your eyes will be yellowish.
If you have allergies or are on pot or something, your eyes may be reddish.
Usually a doctor can kind of tell what mood you're in by your expression, or if you are in major pain.

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