How long does it take to get used to braces?!

Question: How long does it take to get used to braces?
I just got my braces on today and I was very excited because I thought they were going to hurt a lot and at the moment they didnt. I got them on around 10 this morning and now at 8 at night they hurt really bad and I cant even bite down all the way!! I wanna know how long my braces will be hurting because I dont wanna have to eat soft foods all day!


I dont remember how long it took me to stop hurting. I think for me it took a couple of days to a couple weeks (its been about 5 years since i got them off so i am unsure of the timing) as long as you take a pain reliever when you do hurt, and not eat alot of crunchy food (eat soft food for a while it'll help) and youll be fine and not be in a ton of pain.

I would say about 2 weeks depending onhow you eat. The harder and tougher food you eat the longer the time to get used to it.

Had braces for two years

about 2 to 3 weeks depending on how tight and what type of braces you have

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