Do I have a case- wisdom tooth removal?!

Question: Do I have a case- wisdom tooth removal!?
This may be a little long, I apologize in advance!.
1!. Two weeks ago, I had all four wisdom teeth removed!. While still sedated, my oral surgeon and his two nurses all left me in the room by myself following the procedure!. One nurse went to fetch my fiance, even though they were warned beforehand that he gets faint and dizzy being in exam rooms!. When they came back in, they found me on the floor with my head against a cabinet!. I know for a fact it is illegal to leave any post op patient unattended!.
2!. I was not put on any antibiotics leading up to or following my surgery, even though because of my top teeth pushing into my sinus cavities, I was at risk for infection!. As a result, I did develop a sinus infection!.
3!. When the dentist was called about my symptoms- bloody nose, fever, increased swelling five days after surgery, excruciating facial pain, yellow fluid leaking from my nose- we were told everything was normal!. We were also told that there may have been damage done to my maxillary sinus cavity!.
4!. Dentist saw me, told me I had no infection!. I went to a physician, who confirmed I was severely infected!.
Due to his negligence, I developed infection, he won't even check to see conclusively if he did damage my sinuses!. I was told by another dentist that it sounds like he cracked my maxillary sinus cavity, and that it needs to be sealed if that is the case!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The first part might be difficult to prove but the sinus infection can be proven because you were smart enough to go to another doctor!.

For a negligence suit you'll need to prove damages!. The medical bill from getting your sinuses fixed, the pain and suffering, lost income from days missed at work, all that kind of thing!. Anything you can think of!.

You definitely have enough of a case for it to be worth consulting a lawyer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hell yes you have a case!. The fact that they left you unsupervised after being put under, is enough to press charges alone!. That dentist was extremely negligent and could definitely be sued for malpractice!. I would gather all the information you have regarding this incident and see a lawyer immediately!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Number one, it is not illegal to leave a patient briefly post op, it is inadvisable!.
Two there is nothing illegal about them bringing in your fiance- they can not be held responsible if he faints, he simple has to refuse to enter the room!.
Third there are some details you probably are leaving out such as are you a smoker, did you follow Doctor's orders etc!.
All that aside, if you present yourself as a frantic panicer, you will be taken less seriously, which from what you've writen is the case!.
Trust me when I say you get all kinds and over reacting is definitely very common especially if they are looking to recues themselves of following orders!.
If you indeed can substantiate your claims of negligence then by all means do so!.
Be sure you're standing on solid ground though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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