Dental retainer no longer fits correctly?!

Question: Dental retainer no longer fits correctly!?
I got my braces off last february after 6 months of treatment!. I wore my retainers religiously for two months, and then like a dumbass, I lost them while I was on vacation in May!. Since then, my teeth have shifted back to their original positions!.

A few weeks ago, my aunt called to tell me that she found my retainers at her cabin where I stayed while I was on vacation!. I received them in the mail, and as I expected, they barely fit in mouth!.

The top retainer is a metal one (a hawley), and the bottom one is a clear plastic essix retainer!. I can kind of fit the top one over my teeth, but the plastic part does not reach the roof of my mouth like it's supposed to!. The bottom one barely fits over the very tips of my teeth and cannot be pushed down any farther!.

My teeth aren't THAT bad!.!.!. They're not severely crooked or anything, so I was thinking maybe if I wore them every day, little by little my teeth would start to move again and they'll eventually fit!. Will this work!? Has anyone tried it!? Thanks!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Depending on how much shifting, your plan of wearing a unfit retainer to straighten your teeth probably won't be successful!.

You can throw out the retainer and ride this out - see how crooked they get; or you can bite the bill and bullet, and get back in to see your orthodontist!. I recommend the latter!.


Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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