How easy is it to dislodge a blood clot?!

Question: How easy is it to dislodge a blood clot!?
Its the sixth day sine the tooth extraction and i have cold and cannot stop sneezing, I know it can still become dislodged but i sneeze with my mouth open and also have followed everything the dentist told me!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try not to worry about the clot!. The mouth has amazing healing power and if you aren't soaking gauze pads anymore it's fine!. I still say you may need antibiotics though if the pain is still severe, and/or you have swelling around your jaw!. Just take it easy until your next Dr!. visit!. Drink fluids and eat your veggies! If you have supplements take them too!. Especially C, and calcium!. Take probiotics and zinc for your cold!.Hope you feel better real soon! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

it should be fine now after 6 days it may bleed slightly but don`t worry about itWww@Answer-Health@Com

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