I'm getting a tooth pulled on the tomorrow should i be awake or asleep?!

Question: I'm getting a tooth pulled on the tomorrow should i be awake or asleep!?
my mom and i are discussing weather i should be awake or asleep when they pull it

awake: we save $330!.00 and i'm not loopy afterwards

asleep we loose alot of money and i'm still asleep for 10-20 minutes after it and when i wake up i'm loopy for 30 minutesWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you're someone who can tolerate moderate pain and aren't really nervous at the dentist then be awake!. You'll be numbed anyway!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

most places will have Nitrious Oxide gas (laughing gas)!.!.!.it only cost me about $30 bux, i was high as a kite and i couldn't feel any pain!. I would suggest going that route!.!.!.you are technically awake, just out of your mind!.!.!.haha

you shouldn't have to go under anesthesia!. !. !. !.that is what costs so much!. !. !. !.

the SHOTS will numb your mouth anyway, BUT that is why i got the gas!. !. !. 30$ and no pain, not even the pain of the shots!. !. !. it was awesomeWww@Answer-Health@Com

GET THE LOCAL ANESTHESIA! I just got 4 teeth extracted last week, awake, it was nothing ;) You will be fine! You won't feel anything, it will take like 5 minutes, and you'll just have a numb lip for a few hours after!. And you will save moneyyyy! yay!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It depends on how brave you are!. My sister is much more brave then I and she was awake!. She said it was fine!. I on the other hand would not have been able to live through it if I was awake! I'd have a heart attack! Www@Answer-Health@Com

Getting teeth pulled does not hurt that much!.
Besides you save money!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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