Wisdom tooth Removal - Non Stop Saliva Plus blood!!?!

Question: Wisdom tooth Removal - Non Stop Saliva Plus blood!!!?
I just had both my wisdom teeth pulled an hour ago ago and my mouth keeps producing saliva!. As I'm talking right now there is a bowl infront of me just letting my saliva drool out is this okay!?!?

- When will the bleeding stop!?
- When will the saliva stop and the numbness!?

Thank You!! 10 Points for best answer!!!! Www@Answer-Health@Com

First you need to stop the spitting, they should have given you post op instruction which states that spitting and suction (eg drinking from a straw) is a no no because you can keep spitting out the blood clot!. Also you should leave the first gauze in place even if its all red!. because if you keep switching it you may pull the clot out with it, so replacing the gauze too often is bad!. As for the saliva, this too will tone down, the reason this is happening is because you have something in your mouth in your case it sounds like something is causing the clot to come off!. Salivia is an automatic reponse if you put something in your mouth you will start generating ssaliva!. So the best thing is to put one gauze in the area maintain gentle pressure and leave it alone for an hour!. Eventulally your body will get use the gauze in there and the saliva production will slow down

here is what you need to do

Put some gauze that was given to you in the area, and leave it alone!. Maintain gentle pressure for an hour and leave it alone!. If you feel you have to spit dont!. Its better to swallow!.
After an hour bleeding should stop!. you will have some residual blood all day and possibly tommorow a bit!.

As for the anesthhic it depend on how many injection you had and where!. If the dentist did what are refered to as blocks anesthethic will start wearing off in about three hour from the last injection!. any other type of injection will wear off before!.


Well you have to keep gauze in there and put some pressure on it!. The pressure will stop the bleeding!. Just keep in mind that a few drops of blood in your saliva looks like a lot of blood when it isn't!. The numbness if it was a bottom tooth takes about 3 hours, if it was the top it should be about 1 1/2 hours!. The saliva is just because you are not swallowing the same because your numb!. Sleep with an extra pillow!. NO rinsing, drinking from straws or spicy food!. And NO smoking if you do!. Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Enjoy the numbness!. It is typical to salivate alot with the blood too!. Don't rinse hard, you can loosen blood clots in the holes, thats called dry socket, VERY painful if you get that!. Very gently roll water around and dribble it out of your mouth!. Give it a few hours!. And don't use straws for like a week!
Sucks but it will get better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its completely normal, I had 2 teeth pulled a couple of months ago I had the same problem!. Be careful when you eat, don't smoke and don't inhale quickly because it will cause air pockets that hurt even more!. Eat very soft liquidy foods and you'll be fine!. Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

from what i hear your supposed to keep the gos pressured on it until the bleeding stops,

or i hope, im getting mine out next week!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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