Does it hurt when you get your wisdom teeth pulled out if so how much does it hu!

Question: Does it hurt when you get your wisdom teeth pulled out if so how much does it hurt !?
im scared don't they put you to sleep i hope it doesnt hurtWww@Answer-Health@Com

It depends if you want to be put to sleep!. I got put to sleep and it was over with really fast!. I got dry socket which hurt really bad but getting them out doesn't hurt much!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think whether they put you out depends on the oral surgeon and how much work they need to do!. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out at once and they put me to sleep!. It hurt for a couple days, the first few hours were the worst, hurt like crazy!. But once that was done with, it was more of an ache!. It makes it hurt to eat for a couple days, so stock up on mashed potatoes and jello!.

Past the first few hours, the only way it should really hurt is if you have a 'dry socket' where the blood clot didn't' form right!. Then, if you go back to the doctor's, they should be able to put something in there to help!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed over the summer!. I was put to sleep for the surgery, which only took about a half an hour, and didn't feel a thing - I felt like that half hour hadn't even happened!.
Afterwards, though, my jaw and mouth hurt a LOT for about six days, which is longer than usual!. But there are things you can do to numb your mouth, which makes it slightly more bearable!.

Oh - and I got really sick of pudding!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had mine pulled about 25 yrs ago and at that time they gave me novacaine!. So it really didn't hurt!. All you felt was pressure!. But the needle from the novacaine hurt like hell LOL!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I don't know what they do nowadays!. But after they are pulled, be careful that you don't get a dry socket!. Talk about pain ! There are no words to describe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had one wisdom tooth pulled when I was 17 and went and played hockey later that day and went out that night!. Two weeks later I had the other pulled and I swear, the pain was worse than Sarah Palin's grammar!. You can never predict! Good Luck!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

They give you anesthesia, so you don't really feel anything!. Then you get medicines afterwards!. The part that bothered me the most was trying to find a sleeping position on my pillow for the next couple of days, but that was about it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

They don't always put you out for it!. It costs extra to do that!. Ask your parents if they asked for it!.

It does hurt a bit but it's not really all that bad!. On the plus side you get to eat pudding and ice cream for a few days :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I got mine extracted, i wasn't put to sleep i only recieved an anesthesia injection in my mouth, it doesn't hurt during the operation you will only feel a pressure, but it hurts alot afterwards :S good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

I was put under for mine!.!.!.
But it hurt sooooo much after! I cried from pain coz I hadn't got the painkillers yet Www@Answer-Health@Com

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