My one molar tooth just became really sensitive?!

Question: My one molar tooth just became really sensitive!?
I was eating at dinner and when i took a drink, my tooth started to ache!. then it would go away!. now whenever i eat something, i feel this ache begin!. I also realized when i suck a bunch of cold air into my mouth, it hurts!.

I have always been a good brusher!. i do it twice a day for atleast 2 minutes each!. Could this be a cavityWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, it definitely could be!. Anytime you feel tooth pain, you need to see a dentist as soon as possible!. Teeth do not hurt for no reason!. The good signs!? Because your pain is from sensitivity to food/drink and temperature, a cavity is the likely cause rather than a deeper infection!. This means your dentist will be able to fix it with a filling, rather than a root canal or more serious dental procedure!.

That said, left untreated this cavity will fester and become a very serious problem!. Call your dentist tonight, if they are open, or tomorrow morning, and get yourself seen before the end of the week!. If the pain becomes constant or you notice a bubble-like formation on the gum, go IMMEDIATELY - these are signs of infection and dental abscess and are very serious!.

Filling the cavity can be done in a relatively short procedure with a local anesthetic (like Novocaine), and shouldn't cause too much trouble!. In the future, make sure you keep up with your oral hygiene! It's good that you are a religious brusher - that's the number one way to avoid dental problems!. But, you should also make sure you are flossing once a day - food and plaque that build up between teeth can cause cavities and decay as well as gum disease!. Also, make SURE you are seeing a dentist every six months for routine cleanings and check-ups: these appointments will keep your mouth up to speed, and the x-rays and exams you have done will ensure that cavities and other problems are caught early, before they become painful or serious!.

Good luck, and make that appointment!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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