Bump On Gum? Please Help ME?!

Question: Bump On Gum!? Please Help ME!?
ok so i have this bump on my gum
so a few minuutes ago i pressed it and then yellowish stuff came out
it DOES NOT hurt in any way does anyone happen to know what this is!?!?
i ve heard people who had this and then the others say stuff like " it's a abcessed tooth" but it doesnt hurt so does this mean i have it or no!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could well be just gum inflammation , best to see your dentist asap, because left alone, abscess can form and can go right through your tooth or two!.
Depends on the size of the bump, I can't tell you what it is by just reading your short info!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would say more information is needed with this case!. Where in ur mouth is the lump!? Is it in the maxilla or in the mandible!? Cysts are asymptomatic and if u can b reak the sac a yellowish liquid comes out!. An abscess is a different story and it hurts!. U should go to a dentist for an evaluation!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yup theyre totally right!. happened to me, they throw some novocaine in you cheek, and rip the tooth out!. I did this when i was 9, you can do it too!.!.!. it doesnt hurtWww@Answer-Health@Com

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