Braces do's and dont's?!

Question: Braces do's and dont's!?
I am 14 and am gonna get braces what should i avoid!? What foods are difficult to remove from braces!? Any more advice!?


whenever after you eat try to get all the food from your braces by like either getting it off with your tongue or sucking it out because if you you talk to people or smile when there is food there they will not tell you and you will have it in there all day and it grosses people out

Brush your gums or they will swell up and it takes a loooong time for it to go back down and sometimes when it does it grows over your brackets (mine did!)

Try to avoid hard foods at first because your teeth will still be sensitive but half the stuff they tell you not to eat everyone still eats so whatever!.!.

don't ever get the color white or clear because it will turn yellow!. I just stick to basic silver every time

floss and use that little mini brush thing every (or almost every) night!

Don't eat starbursts

use listerine so you won't have gum problems

braces are sooooo not fun and the first few days you will be BEGGING for someone to just rip them out of your mouth!. but i the end you get beautiful straight teeth so it all pays off!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Play around with the colors!. You have them, so may as well have fun!. Dark blue makes teeth look whiter!. I had rainbow for a while!. It was awesome!. I mean having silver isn't going to hide the fact you have braces!. (I tried that)!. Anything yellow (curry, lipton noodle soup) turns the braces different colors!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hope this link helps you with all information regarding braces!. Check out http://useinfo-braces!.blogspot!.com/

Eat ice cream when you feel the pain!.

I just got my braces right now and I felt a pain so much so I started to eat ice cream and no more pain!

Try it but it depends on each person!Www@Answer-Health@Com

most of the stuff they tell u not to eat is bull sh_it excipet the relly hard stuff just brush good and it will go wayWww@Answer-Health@Com

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