How do I give up drinking soda and other drinks?!

Question: How do I give up drinking soda and other drinks!?
Ok according to my dentist, anything other than water is really bad for your teeth!. She said a normal sized soda or another drink once a day is okay just once but afterward you should drink just water because of the acid content in drinks!.

I really want to maintain my smile and my teeth, but I'm really addicted to drinking soda, coffee, going to coffee shops, etc!. I really want to just cut down on all of that to just once a month or so!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to be a lot like you and I'm only 16!. I used to drink anywhere from 3-5 pops a day, lots of coffee, and energy drinks!. I felt horrible too!. So I just totally stopped drinking it!.

Whenever you feel the need to buy it, say you don't need it!. Or find another drink that you'll like to replace the pop and coffee!. I started to drink cranberry juice and lemonade in place of the pop!. And now all I drink is water!.

It might be hard at first, but you just gotta keep your motivation up!. Take tylenol too if you start to get the caffeine head aches!. Those are the worst!. Don't let yourself slip!. I still drink pop, but not even one/day!. Even if you slowly ween yourself off of it, you'll really feel great that you did in the long run!. Trust me, I have way more energy than I did when I was drinking pop and coffee, not to mention it saves you a LOT of money that you usually spend weekly on the pop and coffee!. You could even do like the other answer said!. Reward yourself once a week or every two weeks without drinking diet coke!.

Good luck!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm in the process of trying to give up beer (not that I drink that much, but even the couple of nights I do go out are a drain on my bank account)!. I find that when you give up something, it must be replaced by something else, so I'm a fan of the good ol' reward system!. When you go for a week or so depriving yourself of soda (or in my case beer) reward yourself with something that gives you more enjoyment!. In my case, I take myself out to a sushi dinner!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I stopped drinking sodas in high school but it was because I was addicted to the caffine and was tired of the headaches!. But the way I stopped was just get rid of them (don't surround yourself with them-take them out of your house) and never have one again!. It is really hard because I would drink a lot of them too, but it's good for your body completely, not just your teeth to get rid of them!. Just have to make the decision and be strong!. Now, I've gone years without them, I don't even have a desire to hvae them at all!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When i go to fast food places, i order bottled water or unsweetened ice tea instead of soda; in fact i haven't had soda!.!.!. it really made a difference in my health!. Also, you can have all those you want to drink, just make sure you brush and floss after large quantities!. it also wouldn't hurt to carry a travel-size mouth wash with you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to love diet coke!. I drank 4 or 5 or 6 a day!. I thought I'd never quit!. That much caffeine is terrible for you! If I missed even 2 hours of the day without diet coke, I was in terrible shape!. I just quit, cold turkey, the first week I took 1/2 of an excedrin a day(it has caffeine in it) and I drank lots and lots of water!. I didn't go to any places that had Diet coke the first week!.
It has been 1 year and I am so glad I did it and it has saved me a lot of money! Ice water is so much better and way less expensive!.
I feel so much better!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Coffee is ok , except for the staining!.!.!.tea also, but drink through a straw to help with staining!.!.!.
To wean yourself, switch to some water or low-acid fruid juices like apple or pineapple!.!.!.!.no citrus!.!.!.!.
stay away from the monsters or red bulls also!.!.!.!.and gatorades they are bad also!.!.!.

It will take some time, but you will get there and your teeth will be better!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Drink your soda and other drinks with a straw so the drinks don't hit your teeth (and you don't have to give them up)Www@Answer-Health@Com


Do you have lots of fillings or something!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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