Ideas for distracting yourself while at the dentist?!

Question: Ideas for distracting yourself while at the dentist!?
im going to the dentist 2morrow nd i need something to distract me while there working so i dont think about what there doing in my mouth and freak outWww@Answer-Health@Com

What I usually do is look at the ceiling at the lights and try to think of lyrics to my favorite songs!. Or you can try to find something interesting in the office!. Thinking about things like: music, movies, guys, whatever! Just try to drone out the sounds with like really loud music :) that's what I do!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yessss , i have the same problem !
what i do is i usually look in the reflection of the dentists glasses when he works , so i know nothing funky is going on or to my embaressment i look up on the ceiling and observe the dots , cracks and stains and the shade of the wall hahah wow but more modern ideads would be to bring your mp3 , discman , iPod or anything that will distract you !. goodluck !Www@Answer-Health@Com

Most dentist's like it when their patients bring along their IPOD or Mp3 players!. You can put the earphones in, and concentrate on your favorite tunes that relax you or distract you, just bring them along !Www@Answer-Health@Com

well i used to perfer being distracted but ut never rly worked for me cuz my mind wonders off topic easily!.
ipod/mp3 player would be nice!.
or stare at the ceiling and close ur eyes it works to distract me for a lil bite!.
good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

keep playing your favorite song over in your head, although nothing really works for me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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