I have a dental phobia, help!!

Question: I have a dental phobia, help!
i am going to the dentist in 2 days, we are going camping on the same day too but if i don't follow through we don't get to go, help! i have not been able to follow through for 5 years and i'm 12 now

please help me and don't make fun of me, i need comments on how to overcome my fear and not like oh just think about camping i really
need helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

I was kind of nervous today at my dentist appointment!. I hadn't been to a dentist in five years and I knew that I really needed to (I'm 19)!. If you're nervous about anything, let the hygenist know!. She'll probably be happy to explain to you what she's doing and what each little tool does!. My guess is you're just getting a check-up and a teeth cleaning!?

The teeth cleaning doesn't hurt at all!. They just scrape off the tartar build up between your teeth and polish them with this toothpaste-like stuff!. No big deal =] It's just like having someone else floss and brush your teeth for you!.

And for the check-up, my dentist just does X-rays, which don't hurt at all!. They're just taking a picture of your teeth!. Then she checked my gums for periodontal disease (more of an adult thing) by gently pushing on them!. And that's it! =]

If it'll help you relax, bring an iPod to listen to!. Some dentist's offices even have tv's in the room so you can focus on something else!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i know what you mean!.
don't worry!.
if you are going camping the next day, much probobly won't happen!.
You might just get your teeth cleaned!. All they do is scrape them, pick them, (get the plaque unstuck) brush them, and put a fruity flavored floride on!. You can't swallow for 30 minutes!.

You might also get a cavity filled!. All they do is deaden a spot of your gums near the tooth, inject a needle that keeps you from feeling pain, and drill and fill!. All mostly painless!.

Don't worry!. Bring music or have someone with you!. Also, it helped me when they told me what they were doing before they did it, so I knew what to expect!.
Hope this helps!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

dental phobias are among the most common fear!. slow down it will be alright!. try to go in and sit in the chair and do deep breathing techniques!. deep breath in, hold for three seconds, out through the nose!. i work in a dental office and this is one technique we use on some that are particularly fearful!. also a dentist can prescribe a mild sedative if your parents give permission!. and last but not least you can be referred to a specialist who can put you to sleep and perform your dental treatmentWww@Answer-Health@Com

get your mom to call and get a short acting sedative to take before your appointment like a very small dose of valium!. if you haven't been yet it will just be exam and xrays anyway!. when you need work done ask for nitrous oxide gas and have your mom or someone you trust come in the treatment room with you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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