Does it hurt to have teeth pulled out?!

Question: Does it hurt to have teeth pulled out!?
you heard meWww@Answer-Health@Com

NO it doesn't!. They kind of numb your mouth before they give the needle!. Don't be scared!. The needle pinches a bit for not very long!. They pull the tooth out and you can't feel a thing!. It well feel like your mouth is puffy, but well go away after a while!. Do not worry!. Everything is fine and dentists are nice people!.

I hope I answered your question!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, it hurts less than severe toothache!. Exactly how much it hurts depends rather on the method the dentist or oral surgeon uses to anaesthetise the area!. There is usually a bit of crunching and noise as they pull the tooth out (if it is a second tooth)!. If it is a baby tooth, it is not normally painful really!. If you have had a sore tooth for a while, your jaw may be a bit bruised or sore for a few days afterwards!. If you need to get a tooth out, it is a good idea to make sure you have some panadol or some other painkiller at home for when the anaesthetic wears off!. Methods of anaesthetic used are a) gas (you don't feel a thing) b) general anaesthetic - not normally used unless you need to get wisdome teeth out, or c) something like novocaine, which is injected into the gum!. The dentist will usually numb the gum a little even before putting the needle in, with something that he/she rubs on, looks like a bit of pink chalk!. MAke sure you ask for lots of anaesthetic!. Most dentists understand that we don't like pain!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Would that be with or without an anaesthetic!?

With!? A good dentist won't hurt you too bad with the extraction but there might be a dull ache for a few days!.

Without!? Go commit a few crimes!. It'll give you something to confess to while the pliers are in your mouth!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes I heard you and yes it hurts!. It is the needle and medicine that causes all the pain!. Yes you HEARD that right!. Take care of your teeth and there should be no reason for all this pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No it does not hurt
it just feels a little bit wierd and numb
but you'll feel betterWww@Answer-Health@Com

no it dosnt hurt at all
u heard me

yea duhhh of course it hurts and even after it still hurts for a few days ( =Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have a good dentist it won't hurt a bit!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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