I am getting braces August 13th?!

Question: I am getting braces August 13th!?
I was wondering if anyone can tell me how braces are put on and if they hurt!. I am only twelve and i am really nervous!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well first they sit you down in the chair real nice and they tell you to relax (at this point it's really helpful if you have taken some extra strength Tylenol because you will also need it before and after) before all the braces business and clean your teeth and get rid of any cavities (if you have any) and then they get to work!.
(hopefully you'll have had spacers and your teeth with have gaps in the back, but not to worry, it just eases up for the next part) the dentists then put on these metal bands around your back molars and these will hold the braces in the back together for support!. next comes the brackets which are the little metal squares that you see with the colored rubber bands!. (now these directions are for metal braces, and hopefully not the clear invisalign things)
anyways, i digress!. the brackets are then glued on to your teeth with this extra strong, extra sticky gorilla glue/super glue/blue cement type stuff and you may feel a little pressure and your jaw may be tired from it being open so long, but not to worry!. then once the brackets have been put on, the wires come, and they will be made JUST FOR YOU! [hooray!.!.!.] so the dentist will put the wire in these little grooves in the brackets and it will snap in place and then you can pick your rubber band colors and they will put them in like so and you will be on your merry way!.
after this whole process which will take a few hours, your jaw and mouth will hurt but they are only trying to accommodate to this new limited space and if your hungry, don't try to eat anything crunchy, soup and a smoothie will have to do!. best of luck, hopefully you won't have to have them till you go to college!.
so yes, it will hurt a bit, but it's not so much excruciating pain as it's just annoying pressuring pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Usually your orthodontist is supposed to go through the procedure and such, but they simply glue a bracket on each tooth and place the wire through each bracket!.

Some people only get partial braces, some get a whole mouth full, so that will play a role in how much pain you will have!.
I had partial braces on the top and I had a good deal of pain for about a week!. It isn't really a sharp pain, more like a throbbing, dull, ache!. You will be sore, but the pain is temporary and I'm sure you can take some OTC medicine to aleviate some of the pain!.

Your orthodontist will also more than likely give you some waxy stuff to use that will help with pain (he will explain how to use this)!.

My sister had full mouth braces, and my mom bought her a teething ring (like the ones used for babies), put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes, then gave it to my sister to use!. My sister said that worked wonders on getting rid of pain!. So you might want to try that!.

But like I said, the pain only lasts for a few days!. It's temporary!. So good luck! And before you know it you will have a dazzling smile that was completely worth getting braces for =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

i got mine last weeek!.

ok so to put it on the orth!. glues on each bracket on each tooth one by one!. and then you wait like 15 min!. for the glue to dry!. and then he/she will put in the wires!. it's not a long process at all!.

and yes!. the first 2 days were hell for me!. at first it didn't hurt at all so i was confused why everyone always complained!.!. but then the next morning it hurt sooo much i wanted to pull all my teeth out!. even eating rice pudding hurt but it was fine eating yogurt with nothing to chew!. if it's really hurting and bothering you take an advil

and then the braces start to rub against the inside of your mouth and it cuts your skin a little and starts to hurt but that goes away in about 3 days!. if not, then you can ask for your orth!. to put wax on it so it's smooth and won't bother your skin!.

but after a week it's perfectly fineWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's really not that bad =] First, they will put spacers in between your back teeth if there isn't too much space!. This is unbelievebly easy!. They are just little elastics that pop right in! (this is a super chance to convince your parent to get you an ice cream!. Then you will go back a few days later!. This is when you get your bands on your back teeth!. This is a little unpleasant!. They mix up this cement and put it on the bands!. Then, the put the bands (which are like little metal circles that go around your back teeth)on your teeth!. THen you have to bite down on this tool to shape them to fit your teeth!.Then they make you put cotton in your mouth!. Then you will come back a few days later!. This is when they put the brackets on with the cement stuff!.They have to set it with this super bright light!. Close your eyes during this, because they once aimed it at my eyes when they weren't looking and it;s BRIGHT! Then, they put wire!. They put it into the bands and then pop it into the brackets!. Then you get to choose your colors!! Then they have to cut the wire in the back!. Then you get a tutorial on how to take care of them!. Then you get to go home! At first they don't hurt nearly as much as you think they do (especially if you think that they are going to hurt A LOT!!) They start to hurt a little more in the next few days, but it goes away quickly!. ADVICE: Take some tylenol or something BEFORE you go so that it is already working when you are getting them on!. Besides, you might not want to open your mouth after!

Good Luck! I hope its not too bad! =]Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't worry about it too much!. I'm actually getting my braces off in two weeks so I've been through it all!. Getting them on is annoying because it takes very long but all they do is put this plastic stuff on your teeth and then stick the brackets to them!. Have you ever gotten sealance on your teeth!? They use the exact same stuff!. It tastes bad but you only taste it for a second!. Take some Advil or Tylenol before you get them on because they get really sore after a couple hours!. But it doesn't hurt to actually get them on!. You'll be fine, no worries!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, didn't really hurt to much, it just sucks when they glue it, and you got to taste that nasty glue in your mouth for like 15 minutes, then it wont go away, but the next week or so after you get your braces, you wont be able to eat anything hardly, it was hard for me to even eat a cheezit!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have braces!. It doesn't really hurt at all!. It feels strange and they put some really rank stuff in your mouth but It just feels strange!. They will ache for a couple of days but then you will be used to them!. I have had mine for 4 months now and I forget they there!!! When you go to have them tightened it aches again for a day or two but nothing bad!.

Just remember NO PAIN NO GAIN!!!
If you have any probs ask your dentist or email me at horseychiclb@hotmail!.co!.uk

Hope I helped and gd luck! x !Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok it doesnt hurt to get them ON but it does hurt to have them on!. just ask your mom if you can have some ibprofen or motrin!. GET HER or your dad's PRIMITION FIRST!!!!!! it is very dangerouse to take it with out their primition!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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