Do spacers hurt? and are they noticable?!

Question: Do spacers hurt!? and are they noticable!?
anyone had them!?
anyone got advice!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had 2 have them, um yes at first they do hurt but after awhile the pain starts to go away and u notice them less and less everyday!. so don't worry about them!. and they are only noticablee if you have blue colors but the white ones are not noticable at all!. i only had spacers in the back so u culdnt really tell at all anyway!.

but take some advil if it is bothering you and be prepared to eat a ton of soft food the day u get them!.!

best of luck!.my wishes to ya!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had spacers before and yes they do hurt!. You have to make sure that you do not eat any food that you are not suppesed to eat with spacers in or they could come out and you would have to get them put back in again!. They sometimes are noticable when you open your mouth if you have colored ones but if you have white ones no one will even know that you have them in !. make sure that you do not chew gum i did and i had to go back to the ortho and then get them back in! Good Luck!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It made my mouth sore, but mine wasn't incredibly painful!. It depends on how close your teeth already are together!.

It feels like you have popcorn in your teeth, and the noticeably isn't bad either unless you get a color!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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