I have a deep overbite.?!

Question: 1. is it bad?
2. do i need braces?
3. Do i need rubber bands too.
4. about how long will it take with appliences. I am 12
Only people with this issue or people who's profession is in the dental field answer this question please. I want a straight answer.

Answers: 1. is it bad?
2. do i need braces?
3. Do i need rubber bands too.
4. about how long will it take with appliences. I am 12
Only people with this issue or people who's profession is in the dental field answer this question please. I want a straight answer.

1.) A deep overbite isn't bad per se, but it can cause your bottom teeth to wear down faster which is bad

2.) probably, this is the reason i got braces, but also because I have crowding

3.) Most people wear rubberbands at some point or another while they have braces. Class 2 elastics fix overjet and open your deep bite, so yeah you would prob. have them. I started wearing them after 6 months having braces.

4.) Depends on how severe your case is but about 2 years is what they tell pretty much everyone

Good luck!

These are questions for a cosmetic dentist. There are ways to address overbite. Start to explore your options on the internet.

A deep overbite can make your face look older than you really are.

Yes, if you want an overbite corrected you'll need braces.

Yes, you'll probably be wearing rubber bands during the day, and head gear at home. My dad put braces on me and I wore head gear at home because my dad knew that I'd get laughed at if I went like that to school.

Each case is different, but if I recall correctly, for me I had braces put on when I was in 7th grade (12 years old). I had them taken off when I was a sophomore in high school and I had my retainer on until I graduated from high school.

Rough guidelines for you. Hope this helps.

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