Clenching teeth?!


Clenching teeth?

I notice that nowadays I tend to clench my teeth unconsciously. It's like I'll be in the middle of doing my work or something, and I'll notice that I've been clenching my teeth for quite some time.

Not while sleeping though. So what is the cause and is it bad?


I have the same problem. Usually, if you clench in the morning, changes are you may do it at night and not know about it. I clench and grind morning+night. My dentist showed me my xrays and it was causing my teeth to be worn down and moving forward. Also a few chips. I got a mouth guard to try to control it. You can get one at the drugstore or at the dentist. You just wear it and it prevents the bottom and top teeth from touching so it prevents from damaging further. I've been wearing one for about a year. Sometimes all day when I am at home. I got use to the feeling and now when I clench, I am reminded of my mouthguard and clench less often. I suggest gettting one. Good luck!

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