Does getting your wisdom teeth pulled out hurt?!


Does getting your wisdom teeth pulled out hurt?

I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled out soon. They are pointing towards my other teeth and aren't out of my gums yet. The dentist said they are going to have to dig in to pull them out, and after there would be a big hole in my jaw bone, so they have to fill it with bone marrow. I have a couple of questions.......

1. What do they give you to numb the pain? (I am going to be awake.)
2. How long is the procedure?
3. What does it feel like when they are pulling out the teeth?
4. What can I eat afterwards?
5. How long does it take to heal?


Getting wisdom teeth out just depends on the person and the doctor...

When my sister got hers pulled, they came RIGHT out and she couldnt believe it was over so fast.

But dad had to get STITCHES after he got his pulled...

Sometimes they have to cut the teeth out.

Sometimes they just come out with a pull...

It can take awhile, or it can be done pretty fast.

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