Process of getting Braces.?!


Process of getting Braces.?

Ok, I know I said I was getting braces soon. (and, hopefully, I am!) But, actually, I'm not sure how long it's going to be. I'm hoping to get them on A.S.A.P. because I'm sick of my teeth being crooked. They could be a lot worse, they're not terribly bad, but still, my dentist has been saying for some time now, I Need braces! Anyways, my VERY FIRST APPOINTMENT to the orthadonest is on June 19, 2007. What is that first appointment going to be like? What will the next few appointments be like? WHEN IS IT THAT I WILL ACTUALLY GET MY BRACES ON??? How many days, weeks, months, (WHATEVER), from the very first appointment to the day I get my braces will it take? (time range) Thanks to all who answer. Personal experience/if your an orthadonest would help!!! : )


Hey im getting my braces in on friday and i got my spacers in on monday. Okay here is how it went for me and how it usually goes for everyone else...

1st Apointment- I got there and we sat in one of the orthodontic assistants offices and talked a bit. We talked about payment plans, the type of braces, etc. Then another person took me into another room for x-rays on your teeth and skull (idk why they need your skull x-ray but they took it). Then thats pretty much it. The orthodontist did take a look at my teeth to estimate how long i need to wear them and thats it.

2nd Apointment- My second appointment was about 2-3 months after my first appointment and it was on monday and i had to get my teeth molds and spacers. First when igot there they called me in the room where i got the x-ray and took a mold of my teeth which for me was some gunk but was flavored grape :). After that you pretty much wash your your mouth out and sit there while she finishes storing or putting the molds away. Then she puts spacers in your mouth, i got 10. 4 on the bottom and 6 on the top. Though this can vary from 6 to 8 to 10 for some people. I am not going to lie, it does hurt. It hurts for only a minute and the main goes away. The only one's that hurt is when she puts them on the back molars. Then about 1 hour later your teeth will hurt and be sore. To this day i still cannot chew (i know its only 2 days later) so i just eat stuff from soup, chilli, eggs, ice cream, etc. (once again i cannot chew because of my pain so i just swallow everything).

3rd Appointment- Friday i am getting my braces on and if u want i can email you my experience of getting the braces put on. I am getting them on top and bottom. Good luck when you get yours, you'll be fine.

P.S. The spacers pain isnt bad when you are watching t.v. or just not doing anything. It only hurts when you bite. I take Advil to sooth the pain though. Also people say its like you have food stuck in your teeth but to tell you the truth i never even had that feeling yet lol!

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