Is it ok to whiten teeth with strawberries?!?!

Question: I heard that you can use strawberries to whiten your teeth, but the acid can also damage them...does brushing afterwards compensate for this?

Answers: I heard that you can use strawberries to whiten your teeth, but the acid can also damage them...does brushing afterwards compensate for this?

It is not advisable to brush your teeth with strawberries. The sugar and acid in the strawberry will harm your teeth more than it will help if you don't immediately brush your teeth with regular toothpaste. If you choose to brush with strawberries, be sure to brush your teeth immediately afterwards with fluoride toothpaste, and also to floss.

no if you brush your teeth right after you eat an acidic food, it wears away your will make it MUCH MUCH worse that way.

I have no idea..I've never heard of that, but it sounds interesting!! Maybe try looking it up on wikipedia or google?

That cannot be true
Everyone knows that strawberries stain everything red

Maybe ?

well, i dont know how it will whiten but i know its acidic, it can damage ur enamel. stick with whitening toothpaste and u'll be fine .. good luck

No, that doesn't work.

it's BETTER then ok!

Apparantly you can. I have a site that tells you how below.

No. Why would you purposely place acidic fruit on your teeth?? The only thing you'll get is enamel erosion over time and sensitivity. Brushing afterwards will only make it worse by wearing away more enamel, just like the first poster said.

Do something that's safe and ADA-approved.

the acid eats away at your enamel.

So yes, your teeth can get whiter but if your teeth do get white its not healthy because that means it killed your enamel.

Try Crest Whitestrips. I use them all the time.

They are perfectly safe and will not damage your teeth, unlike strawberries.

Actually, it is speculated that white strips with peroxide in them can have protective effects so they might actually be good for your teeth!

Have never heard of this. Good luck to you if its true!

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