Please answer this if you are a dentist?!


Please answer this if you are a dentist?

I have always looked after my teeth and every time I visit the dentist I always get told I have no problem with my teeth. However the last couple of times I got told I have the start of gum disease. I was told to floss and use mouthwash and referred to a dental hospital. I attended but I felt it was a waste of time as they did nothing different from my usual dentist. Now I've noticed my gums are receding drastically. My teeth are still fine but my gums are the problem. What can I do?


Gum disease is a gradual process that begins as gingivitis affecting the surrounding tissue with inflammation, swelling and bleeding, left untreated this progresses in stages of perio disease that affects the tissue, the periodontial ligaments and destroys the surrounding bone leaving recession, bone loss and the eventual loss of teeth. This doesn't "just" happen between regular visits with good home hygiene. Unless you've had a drastic change in your oral hygiene habits, diet, or health, all of which can cause problems that can affect the teeth and tissue. It just doesn't sound like you fit the typical patient with this problem the way you’ve described this onset.

I would have to ask if you've had a change in your: regular hygienist, hygiene habits, diet, new medications, or a recently diagnosed health problem that could be the cause of this onset. Any of these “could” be reasons that you are having this problem.

I would also suggest you see a periodontist who specializes in the diseases of the gums, tissues and ligaments, for a further evaluation, rather than continue down the path that you’re on now. Take any current x rays with you to this visit so he can make a thorough diagnosis.

In the mean time while awaiting your appointment with the periodontist, continue with your home care of two to three times a day, flossing and brushing thoroughly yet gently, with a new "soft" tooth brush. Be careful when brushing, not too hard as this in itself can cause gum problems and recession. I’m sure you are trying to halt the problem at hand with better home care, but sometimes over kill can do more harm. I would suggest an antiseptic mouth wash without any alcohol. Your dentist can refer you, or you can find a periodontist on your own who will be able to help you treat this condition. Don't put this off too long since you have visible recession already. I look at it like this; if there is something going on that you “can” see, then chances are there is something going on that you “can’t” see too. I hope I've been of some help and wish you the best of luck in getting this taken care of quickly.

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