My jaw cracks from time to time, and im only 13. is this normal?!


My jaw cracks from time to time, and im only 13. is this normal?

well my mom and my brother have always had their jaw pop when they eat. my mom got surgery but it didnt help it. mine just goes a little out of place from time to time and i can usually get it back in easily but this time the left side just keeps cracking. theres no pain i can just tell its out of place. [ like more over to the left] the right side is fine.



TMJ (is the joint you're talking about) problems are really common. I suffer with my jaw too. The thing is its a very complex joint and can "pop", "crack" and be painful too. The best advice I can offer is to see a Jaw Specialist. They can help by assessing the condition of the joint and recommending a treatment for it. Not necessarily surgery either. Most of the time they give you tips on how to care for your joint, exercises and not chewing gum/chin sitting etc... Its a scary thing when your jaw locks or pop's out and its not that good for the joint to be doing that either. I went to a TMJ specialist and he made me a splint/mouth-guard to wear at night which positions the jaw in the correct spot so that any pain is relieved and the joint can "rest" in a normal position. You're lucky you don't have any pain but still get it looked at if you can!

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