silly question. but...Is it fattening to eat a LOT of vegetables?!

Question: Silly question. but...Is it fattening to eat a LOT of vegetables?
I have been eating a lot more lately. I'm underweight and a teenager so I sort of need to eat more. But I just hate how I feel when I'm really stuffed. I feel so fat.
anyways. The thing I've been eating more of is vegetables. My mother bought me like tons of fresh and frozen vegetables (spaghetti squash<3, green beans, broccoli, spinach, corn, carrots, etc) I fill this much of my plate with veggies at dinner time (the blue)

Then I eat usually have either grilled chicken breast or turkey with 1/2 cup of beans

Is it bad for you to eat this much vegetables at once? can you gain weight off of vegetables? I eat actually MORE veggies throughout the day. but at dinner time I eat a lot


They can be... Beans are a simple starch and pretty much turn straight into glucose and too much glucose can cause your body to store it as fat.

Of course, at the same time, the only real way to gain weight is to eat more calories than you burn and that can be hard to do when your diet consists of mostly vegetables. The problem with Veggies is that they can physically fill you up and make you bloated, but they just don't have the calories someone like you needs.

You're underweight. Which means you need to eat more sources of dense calories and good fats. You might try a diet high in lean protein and if you do exercise, focus on strength training rather than cardio. You might also try eating smaller meals more often, which is also a tactic that anyone needing to change their dietary habits should probably try.

no, it is not fattening, but it also doesn't equate to healthy.
vegetables have fiber in them and if youre getting too much fiber in your diet then you likely aren't absorbing any essential nutrients

for men, daily fiber intake should be at least 32 grams.
for women, daily fiber intake should be at least 28 grams.
you CAN get more, but don't overdo it too much.

lol if you eat alot of anything its gonna start adding up. but if its vegetables, its good calories and stuff. so if you wanna gain weight, eat doughnuts.

They are full of fiber and vitamins , take it easy on the butter

Yes, if you eat 20 oranges in one sitting abd then yiu eat the whole bag of broccoli in one sitting!! YES!! Vegetables and fruits are carbs!! Good carbs, but even too much of a good thing it's a bad thing! So yes but only when it's extremes! Otherwise no!

you can burn fat with these as they are actually FAR superior than simple carbs ( fruit ) all they do is refill and overload liver glycogen so ANY other complex carbs eaten is simply stored as fat (the spill over effect) anyway back to veg,the best on your list is green beans,broccoli,spinach , so you could add bruss sprouts,cauliflower,and mushrooms if you wish WITH any good pure white protein food so your grilled chicken is excellent with ? cup of beans,IF you want to make them work for you then limit these fibrous complex carbs to around 30 grams per day max ( that still allows a great deal of them to be eaten) and then eat MORE protein at each meal on your plate,simple..

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