How long for ab results?!

Question: How long for ab results!?
i want to get my abs into shape so i want to hear some ideas!. what is your routine!? how often do you do it!? how long did it take for you to get results!? im more concerned about how long it took to see results!. i already know some good routines but i don't know how long it takes for them to work

(im already pretty thin and don't have a lot of belly fat, i just want to have some muscle tone is my abs)


if you don't have any belly fat that will shave off a lot of time because most people have belly fat and the muscles they want to define are hidden under a layer of fat!.
all people are different i would start out will aprox!.100 a day then gradually work up to higher amounts and make sure you don't sacrifice form for reps that will not helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

It varies!.!.!.If you have more fat accumulated on the belly, than it can take up to 6 weeks to see noticeable ab definition!.!.!.I work out a lot, and have my abs in pretty good shape!.!.!.Here is what I do:
I do at least 30 minutes of cardio daily!.!.!.I have various aerobic dvds (Taebo, Turbo Jam, & Hip Hop Abs) that I rotate on different days!.!.!.
**I also do Core Toning Exercises!.!.!.Such as:
1!.) Wall Squats - Lean your back towards a wall, then squat down (as if you're sitting in an invisible chair) & then hold that position for 45 seconds!.!.!.Rest for 20 seconds & repeat!. Then rest for another 20 seconds & then repeat Wall Squat one more time!.
2!.) Walking Lunges - This is basically where you step forward with one leg, and don't let your bending knee go pass your toes!.!.!.Then, while in split-squat/forward lunge stance, lift up & then step your other leg forward & lunge!.!.!.Repeat alternating sides "walking" for 1 minute!.!.!.Rest, then repeat for another minute!.
3!.) Knee Raises - Standing up straight, lift your knees up either to the front, to the side, or diagonally across the body!.!.!.This is great for the entire core/ab region, as well as your quads (aka frontal thighs)!.!.!.I do 25 reps of Knee Raises!.
YOU SEE, the QUADRICEP is the largest muscle in the body, so doing exercises that use this muscle will burn more calories & increase fat-burning while your body is at rest!.
Include FLOOR Ab Work:
*TRY PILATES!.!.!.Here's the Pilates Routine I do 4 times a week:
1!. The Hundred
2!. Criss-Cross
3!. Plank Pose
4!. Double Leg Stretch
5!. Rolling Like a Ball
You will descriptions of how to perform these here:

DON'T forget that getting good abs is about lowering your total body-fat percentage!.!.!.You'll need to your body fat down to about 10-12% before you can even see your abs!.!.!.Eat healthy (no fried foods, cut down on sugar, & eat a well-balanced diet!.!.!.The best ratio of what should eat is: 60% carbs (the "right" carbs, ie: whole wheat, whole grain breads/pastas/rice), 20% protein, & 20% fiber (ie: fruits, veggies, nuts)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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