Do you know 10 best ways to feel great everyday?!

Question: Do you know 10 best ways to feel great everyday!?
List your favorite ways to feel great!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ten ways to feel great everyday!. will I don't know about you but there is a set of rules I set for myself that If i stick to it I seem to have real good days!. 1!. I keep a list of things to do for each day and it's set up by whats most important or must be done first!. I try to complete my list each day or do something that keep me moving forward to finishing it off!. If i find there is too much too do I don't get up set I do what I can and make a point to take one thing off my list if it is the same for the next day!. I can always do it tomorrow!. 2!. I eat right 3!.and get some type of exercise 4!. I try to get some sunshine each day!. 5!. I make my yes/no firm !. meaning if I feel a certain way about something I don't let others talk me out of my decisions unless I'm proved wrong!. 6!. I say what I mean and do what I say!. 7!. I always try to go the extra mile for what I believe is right!. 8!. I reward myself for a job will done!. 9!. I try to remain helpful and available to others who need my help!. and I 0 I take this Max gxl to balance my diet and reap all the other benefits this product does for me!. by the way I think I could list ten more thing that max gxl does to make you feel better in less than a week!.http://www!.sozomax!.com/cgi-bin/d!.cgi/156!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1!. Pray
2!. Look at the wonders of nature and appreciate what's good in your life!.
3!. eat wholesome breakfast low in sugar!.
4 !.Avoid alcohol and caffein!.
5!. sleep at least 8 hr!.
6!. Don't listen to the news especially before bedtime!.
7!. See only feel-good PG or PG-13 movies!.
8!. Read interesting books!.
9!. Exercise at least 4 times a week!.

A green apple in the mornings, followed by my iron pill because I'm a vegetarian and I feel like I'm anaemic without one!! LOLWww@Answer-Health@Com

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